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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2020, Vol. 54 Issue (1): 17-22    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2020.01.002
大连海事大学 船舶与海洋工程学院,辽宁 大连 116026
Optical measurement of high-speed solenoid valve switching-on characteristics
Hao TIAN(),Yu-ren ZHAO
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering College, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China
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针对接触式传感器改变阀芯动态特性的问题,提出基于励磁线圈电流-电感特征的阀芯位移无传感器多项式模型,通过光学试验获取位移-电感耦合参数. 建立电磁开关阀磁路与电路的电磁耦合模型,得到励磁线圈时变电感与阀芯位移的函数关系. 搭建电磁阀光学测量试验系统,采用非接触式单束激光测量方法,在空气环境下捕捉阀芯位移. 建立阀芯电感-位移拟合算法,在25~29 V驱动电压、空气及油液环境下,对比电感求解与光学测量的阀芯位移. 结果表明,空气与油液环境下电磁阀电流-电感阀芯位移估计模型的平均估计误差分别为7.0%和9.2%,模型对驱动电压变化的敏感性小. 利用该模型可以较好地估计阀芯开启过程的位移变化.

关键词: 电磁开关阀阀芯位移模型激光三角测量传感器电感测量    

A sensor-less coil current-inductance based spool displacement polynomial model was proposed and key coupling parameters were obtained from designed experiments in order to address the drawbacks of the affected dynamic characteristics of the valve core by the externally connected sensor. The coupled electromagnetic models of the on-off solenoid valve were developed, and the time-varying inductance-spool displacement model was derived. A solenoid valve optical experimental system was constructed, and the non-contact single beam laser measurement method was used to capture the valve spool displacement. An algorithm for inductance-displacement fitting was established. The results from the model and experiments were compared when the coil voltage was tested from 25 V to 29 V, and the spool was set in air or oil. Results showed that the average estimation error of the inductive method in air and oil environment was 7.0% and 9.2%, and the sensitivity to coil supply voltage variation was low. The model is suitable for valve spool displacement sensing.

Key words: solenoid on-off valve    spool displacement model    laser triangulation sensor    inductance measurement
收稿日期: 2018-12-13 出版日期: 2020-01-05
CLC:  TH 39  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金青年资助项目(51705061);大连理工大学精密与特种加工教育部重点实验室研究基金资助项目(JMTZ201703);中央高校基本科研业务费青年教师科技创新资助项目(3132019121)
作者简介: 田昊(1985—),男,副教授,从事流体传动、传热传质、自动控制的研究. E-mail:
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田昊,赵禹任. 高速电磁阀开启特性的光学测量[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2020, 54(1): 17-22.

Hao TIAN,Yu-ren ZHAO. Optical measurement of high-speed solenoid valve switching-on characteristics. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2020, 54(1): 17-22.


图 1  SV08-25电磁开关阀的结构图
图 2  励磁线圈电磁学原理图
图 3  油液环境激光光路分析图
图 4  光学测量系统
S/mm L/% r/μm w/nm d/mm f/kHz
100±35 ±0.1 70 655 120 0.66
表 1  激光位移传感器的主要参数
图 5  激光位移传感器的标定曲线
图 6  线圈电流与激光位移传感器信号的截取
4.70 ?5.67 2.76 ?6.74 8.37 ?41.67
表 2  电感位移多项式模型参数
图 7  电感与阀芯位移5阶多项式拟合曲线
图 8  电感位移模型与激光位移传感器测量对比结果
图 9  电感预测位移与激光测量结果的绝对误差图
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