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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2019, Vol. 53 Issue (2): 373-381    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2019.02.021
Attention Res-Unet: 一种高效阴影检测算法
浙江大学 现代光学仪器国家重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310027
Attention Res-Unet: an efficient shadow detection algorithm
Yue DONG(),Hua-jun FENG(),Zhi-hai XU,Yue-ting CHEN,Qi LI*()
State Key Laboratory of Optical Instrumentation, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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图像中阴影像素的存在会导致图像内容的不确定性,对计算机视觉任务有害,因此常将阴影检测作为计算机视觉算法的预处理步骤. 提出全新的阴影检测网络结构,通过结合输入图像中包含的语义信息和像素之间的关联,提升网络性能. 使用预训练后的深层网络ResNeXt101作为特征提取前端,提取图像的语义信息,并结合U-net的设计思路,搭建网络结构,完成特征层的上采样过程. 在输出层之前使用非局部操作,为每一个像素提供全局信息,建立像素与像素之间的联系. 设计注意力生成模块和注意力融合模块,进一步提高检测准确率. 分别在SBU、UCF这2个阴影检测数据集上进行验证,实验结果表明,所提方法的目视效果及客观指标皆优于此前最优方法所得结果,在2个数据集上的平均检测错误率分别降低14.4%和14.9%.

关键词: 阴影检测特征提取语义信息像素关联非局部操作注意力机制卷积神经网络(CNN)    

Shadow pixels in images can lead to the uncertainty of image content, which is harmful to computer vision tasks. Therefore, shadow detection is often used as a preprocessing step of computer vision algorithm. A shadow detection network was proposed by combining semantic information contained in input images and correlation between pixels. Pre-trained deep network ResNeXt101 was used as feature extraction front-end module to extract semantic information of the image. The baseline structure of the network was built to up-sample feature layers, encouraged by the design idea of U-Net. Non-local operations were added before the output layer to provide global information for each pixel and establish the relationship between pixels. At the same time, an attention generation module and an attention fusion module were developed to further improve shadow detection accuracy. Two common shadow detection datasets named SBU and UCF were utilized for verification. Experiment results showed that the proposed network outperformed previous methods in both visual effect and objective indicator. The proposed network showed 14.4% reduction on SBU and 14.9% reduction on UCF for the balance error rate, compared with the state-of-the-art framework.

Key words: shadow detection    feature extraction    semantic information    pixel correlation    non-local    attention module    convolutional neural network (CNN)
收稿日期: 2018-10-14 出版日期: 2019-02-21
CLC:  TP 391  
通讯作者: 李奇     E-mail:;;
作者简介: 董月(1995—),男,硕士生,从事图像处理研究. E-mail:
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董月,冯华君,徐之海,陈跃庭,李奇. Attention Res-Unet: 一种高效阴影检测算法[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2019, 53(2): 373-381.

Yue DONG,Hua-jun FENG,Zhi-hai XU,Yue-ting CHEN,Qi LI. Attention Res-Unet: an efficient shadow detection algorithm. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2019, 53(2): 373-381.


图 1  阴影成因示意图
图 2  阴影检测困难案例
图 3  Attention Res-Unet算法网络结构
图 4  Attention Res-Unet算法中注意力生成模块流程图
图 5  Attention Res-Unet算法中注意力融合模块流程图
图 6  Attention Res-Unet与scGAN[17]、patched-CNN[16]、stacked-CNN[15]检测结果的目视效果对比
方法 SBU[15] UCF[23]
Attention Res-Unet 4.88 5.31 4.44 8.42 8.40 8.44
A+D-Net[18] 5.70 6.20 5.20 9.90 7.30 12.50
scGAN[17] 9.10 7.80 10.40 11.50 7.70 15.30
patched-CNN[16] 11.20 10.13 12.27
stacked-CNN[15] 11.00 9.60 12.50 13.00 9.00 17.10
表 1  Attention Res-Unet与A+D-Net[18]、scGAN[17]、patched-CNN[16]、stacked-CNN[15]的定量评价结果
方法 SBU[15]
U-net 7.69 10.48 4.90
Res-Unet 6.56 7.40 5.73
Res-Unet+Attenion 5.33 5.88 4.77
Attention Res-Unet 4.88 5.31 4.44
表 2  Attention Res-Unet各模块作用验证
图 7  Attention Res-Unet与Res-Unet+Attenion、Res-Unet、U-net检测结果的目视效果对比
图 8  Attention Res-Unet的其他实验结果
图 9  Attention Res-Unet的失败应用案例
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