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2011, Vol.41 Num.3
Online: 2011-05-10

2011 Vol. 41 (3): 1- [Abstract] ( 945 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 544KB] ( 1856 )
5 Zou Xiao-Dong Lu Xu-Feng
Faculty System Reform in Research Universities: Motivation, Operational Mechanism and Trends

The transformation in modern universities together with the developments in economy,science and education requires innovation in management mechanism in research universities.In order to improve the structure of academic governance by professors,many research universities have carried out reform at the level of academic faculties.As a platform of the management of academic classification,a faculty is an important organization and a carrier to realize the goal of 'academic governance by professors' and democratic management.Therefore,the reform of the faculty system has not only played an important role in handling the relationships between the academic power and the administrative power,but also achieved some initial results in effectuating academic classification,optimizing academic resources and promoting academic vitality at the grassroots level.Currently,there is still a need for us to enhance the understanding of the importance of the faculty system reform.In order to achieve the procedural realization of academic governance by professors,several measures need to be taken,which include improving the working mechanism of the faculty itself,further shifting down the management focus,clarifying the relationships between faculties and various departments of universities,and giving full play to the functions of the faculty by utilizing academic committees under the faculty.

2011 Vol. 41 (3): 5-11 [Abstract] ( 6374 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1566KB] ( 4766 )
12 Zhang Xukun Han Wenjing
Reform of Basic Compulsory Education System: Target and Route
The main task of basic compulsory education is to train basic universal human capital.The target of this education is to set up a competitive compulsory education market,which uses unified education vouchers issued by the central government and gives every student an equal opportunity to realize their potential.This will promote fairness and efficiency through education vouchers and through competition between schools.Basic compulsory education should extend to twelve years and include technical schools.There are two methods to solve universal basic compulsory education funds: one is that all places are paid by central finance;the other is that places which hold net graduate outfolws and inflows are treated differently,for places holding net outflows education is all paid by central finance,for places holding net inflows education is shared by central finance and local finance according to a certain proportion.An effective mechanism on information disclosure is needed to avoid the unpleasant results caused by asymmetric information between schools and families.
2011 Vol. 41 (3): 12-19 [Abstract] ( 3089 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1868KB] ( 3120 )
20 Wu Hongcheng Li Zhanping
Implementation of Education Policy in the Period of New Politics of Qing Dynasty

In the period of New Politics of the Qing Dynasty,there was a wave of education reform which centered on the establishment of the modern 'new education system'.In this movement,the reform of education policy was one of the important aims.The new education policy was implemented by means of setting up new administrative organizations,stipulating rules and regulations for modern education and opening new schools.The central and local Student Affairs Offices were founded with clear responsibilities and administrative affiliations,giving an effective impetus to schools newly established all over the country.The Ministry of Education established later played the role of coordination and supervision of those new schools.In addition,the abolishment of Imperial Examinations further cleared the way for the flourishing of the New Education Movement in the late Qing Dynasty.An exploration into the limitations of those policies and the conflicts of interests among various social groups in the reform can effectively reveal many problems,providing profound historical insights for the present-day research.

2011 Vol. 41 (3): 20-27 [Abstract] ( 5720 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1845KB] ( 4437 )
28 Shen ManhongWu WenboWei Chu
Prospects of a Low Carbon Economy in the Last Two Decades

The fundamental cause of global warming is carbon emission. The traditional mode of economic development is highcarbon economy. In contrast, lowcarbon economy features the reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases (GHG). Carbon dioxide emission and emission reduction are classical environmental issues resulting from cross-border externalities and intergenerational externalities, which lead to the ″Giddens Paradox″. Cutting down on carbon dioxide emission is a crucial step in the development of a low carbon economy. In practice, there are two major policies that have been widely applied in developed countries to control the pollutants. One is the fiscal and tax policy based on the theory of Pigou-tax; another follows Cap-and-Trade which originated from Coase Theorem. The hypothesis of ″Double Dividend″ is attractive to researchers and policy-makers, but should be subjected to more careful empirical analysis and the Cap-and-Trade mechanism design in China and worldwide needs improvement. Future research on low carbon economy may focus on the initial distribution of carbon dioxide permits, selection of carbon reduction policies, cost-benefit analysis of carbon reduction, policy design of regional carbon reduction, as well as the relevance between carbon reduction and energy pricing mechanism.

2011 Vol. 41 (3): 28-39 [Abstract] ( 7155 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2339KB] ( 7189 )
40 Yang Zewei
The Right to Carbon Emission: A New Right to Development

For the past few years,the international community has gradually regarded the right to carbon emission as a new right to development.The legal basis of the right to carbon emission as a right to development mainly includes 'the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change','the Kyoto Protocol' as well as the sustainable development principle,the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and the principle of fairness and justice,etc.The distribution of the right to carbon emission of post-Kyoto age should consider the need of development,population size,historical responsibility,the principle of fairness and justice and other factors.As a big emitter of greenhouse gas,on the premise of sticking to 'the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities',China should achieve the transformation from the 'difference principle' to 'common responsibilities' progressively.Meanwhile,in strengthening coordination with developing countries,China should appropriately support the requests of Alliance of Small Island States and the least developed countries.China should also attach importance to the issue of the right to development in the distribution of the right to carbon emission.

2011 Vol. 41 (3): 40-49 [Abstract] ( 6242 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2056KB] ( 6277 )
50 Wang Xiaogang
On the Interests and Rights of Public Interest Environmental Litigation

Public interest is shared by all citizens and beneficial for the general public. Public environmental interest (PEI), a human interest independent from the interests of personality and property, is the common good enjoyed by natural persons. Public Interest Environmental Litigation (PIEL) aims at guaranteeing rights to the environment, preventing and redressing the damages to the environment per se. PIEL should include neither environmental tort litigation based on personal and property rights nor animal rights litigation in which animal is the plaintiff.

2011 Vol. 41 (3): 50-57 [Abstract] ( 5932 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1836KB] ( 4624 )
58 Liu Cheng
A Study on the Trade Union in the Context of Global Economic Recession

The relationship within a trade union reflects the common interests of the working class and the conflicts of interests among different groups of workers. It also reflects the ideas and practices of union leaders, and the theories of scholars. The influence of globalization on the trade union is mainly manifested in three aspects: decreasing unionization rate, more complicated relationships within the union and more internationalized solidarity. Global economic recession may result in worse union relations but more common interests for the workers. Meanwhile, more conflicts may emerge among workers, which results in more disagreement within the trade union. The union's conflicts lead to weak labor legislation and poor collective bargaining, while solidarity results in stronger labor legislation, more powerful collective bargaining, higher salaries and better working conditions. Hence, trade union solidarity should be reinforced, and communication and cooperation should be promoted.

2011 Vol. 41 (3): 58-69 [Abstract] ( 6959 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1836KB] ( 4353 )
70 Zhou Shengchun Ming Xu
An Inquiry into Huizhou Farmland Prices in the Ming Dynasty

Huizhou farmland prices indicate Hui merchants capital flow.According to previous scholarships,the trend of Huizhou farmland prices during the Ming dynasty exhibited an inverted-U curve or a rising straight-line.We believe both interpretations are wrong for two reasons.First,Huizhou farmland price data before Tianqi era were overestimated due to the neglect of the effect of tax delay on farmland property transactions (TDFPT).Second,the validity and representativeness of average Mu price should be questioned because the previous Huizhou studies neglected the differences between Mu and Tax mu,and the wide dispersion of Mu prices as well.Considering the TDFPT factor,we replace Mu price with the Ratio of Land Price to Annual Rent.Trend analysis shows an N-shaped growth,rather than an inverted-U or a straight-line.The N-shaped curve is the result of Hui merchants capital influx from farmland into salt industry and pawn broking during Jiajing era,and the reverse flow during Wanli era.

2011 Vol. 41 (3): 70-80 [Abstract] ( 6357 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2469KB] ( 4791 )
81 Zheng Beijun Chen Quanya
The Earliest Financial Investment Market in China:Short Contracts of Ningbo Money Shops (1860-1920)

Loaning or not to modern new-type enterprises should not be a criterion for judging a commercial bank. According to modern financial theory,Ningbo money shops were native commercial banks after the implementation of the posting system in the 1850s. The modern short contracts of Ningbo money shops fell into a pure suppositional economic category,fairly close to modern financial investment transactions with fixed trading partners and trading places,cash settlement,complex transaction levels and networks,distinct credit transaction characteristics,short-mechanism and larger transactions,complete with open system,broker system,commission system and the last trading day system. The short contract market of modern Ningbo money shops belonged to a monetary far date,but did not develop into futures.Against the background of mid 19th century when the traditional finance transformed to a modern one,we believe that the short contracts of Modern Ningbo financial market were a great financial innovation and the first financial investment instrument in China.

2011 Vol. 41 (3): 81-90 [Abstract] ( 6676 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2222KB] ( 4988 )
91 Zhu Zejie Li Meifang
Zhuo Qitu's Baishan Shicun and Yi Funa's Baishan Shichao :A Study and Comparison of Two Early Poetry Collections of Eight Banners and Their Editors

At the time of Emperor Qianlong in the Qing dynasty, Baishan Shicun by Zhuo Qitu and Baishan Shichao by Yi Funa were the two earliest poetry compilations that collected poems of all Bannermen.They served as a transition in the history of poetry collections of Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty.However, one of the two books is already lost,and the other one has only handwritten copies left.Recent literature contains many misunderstandings and mistakes regarding these two books and their editors.But in fact, most of these mistakes, such as the names of titles, the number of volumes, authors, appendixes, and basic situation of the editors, can be better understood through thorough study and comparison, so that we can restore the history to the fullest and avoid the continuing spread of misunderstandings.At the same time, since little has been done to examine poetry of Eight Banners of Qing Dynasty as a whole, this discussion will promote future researches on this topic.

2011 Vol. 41 (3): 91-96 [Abstract] ( 6373 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1775KB] ( 4282 )
97 Chen Guxiang
Paleography in the Song Dynasty: Decline of the Critical Model of 'Imagery'

Chinese characters were created by ancient Chinese based on the 'pictographic symbols'. Consequently, the model of 'Imagery' has been popular in calligraphy criticism since ancient China. However, new critical views proposed by Mi Fu and Zhu Changwen, which focused more on clarity than rhetoric, came into being in the Song Dynasty. These views were echoed by contemporary calligraphy monographs which advocated the style of simplicity and clarity. There are various causes for this phenomenon. The exogenous cause is the popularization of knowledge and the Ancient Prose Movement launched by Liu Kai and Ouyang Xiu. As an endogenous cause, the pictographic element had declined with the maturity of Chinese characters, and the ambiguity and uncertainty caused by 'Imagery' became unfavorable for the appreciation and inheritance of calligraphy. In sum, it may be said that the decline of 'Imagery' is a historical inevitability as well as a good progress in the history of Chinese calligraphy.

2011 Vol. 41 (3): 97-103 [Abstract] ( 5715 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1775KB] ( 5300 )
104 Wang Ming
Evolution of Gaoshen

Gaoshen (告身),as a trust authorized by the emperor and stored up by the officer,was one of ancient official documents when an officer was granted.However,in practice,Gaoshen often went beyond the scope,resulting in many nonessential applications.Although the central government placed much emphasis on the management of Gaoshen and developed a system of official formats,there were still numerous defects.For example,the blank Gaoshen might be temporarily filled with anything wanted,especially during the Later Five Dynasties and Tang Dynasty.From the perspective of record type,Gaoshen was still a would-be record type by analysizing the evolution of its various stages.Unfortunately,this evolution was not complete and finally gave way to Gaoming and Chiming record type.

2011 Vol. 41 (3): 104-111 [Abstract] ( 5528 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2053KB] ( 4848 )
112 Jin Jiyong
Implementation of Education Policy in the Period of New Politics of Qing Dynasty

Regulations stipulated by WTO have significant i mplications to public health . As one nor mative pillar of WTO,TRI PS is of great i mportance to global public health governance . Although some flexible measures are made out of the considerations for public health,WTOis not public health oriented,and structural contradictions and drawbacks remain unsettledin these relevant regulations,which often render WTO deleterious rather than beneficial to developing countries in ter ms of public health governance . Gi ven the public health crises faced by China and the refor m of the health care systemin the country,China is well positioned to make use of the flexibilities so as to promote the accessibility of drugs,which will contribute to public health governance nationally and globally as well .

2011 Vol. 41 (3): 112-121 [Abstract] ( 6005 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2124KB] ( 4885 )
122 Gan Junxian
National Identity and International Security

The identification or exclusion between self and other has its safety effects. Identification would bring security and solidarity to a community, and exclusion threat and instability. The safety effects indicate the important roles that national identity plays in the studies of security. From a static point of view, national identity, particularly cultural identity, can explain the formation of international security structure. From a dynamic point of view, identity change of big powers can cause the transition of international security structure. New China has experienced three identity changes since its foundation and has produced considerable safety effects on East Asia and the world. As a great power critical to the world stability and peace, China's future choice of identity should meet the world's expectation by establishing the identity of a 'responsible state' so as to contribute to the world peace and development.

2011 Vol. 41 (3): 122-131 [Abstract] ( 5686 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2209KB] ( 5219 )
132 Xu Lisheng
Intercultural Competence Revisited

The survival of humanity in this increasingly globalizing world depends very much upon intercultural understanding achieved through communication between people of different cultures. And it is generally considered that people have to acquire intercultural competence so as to function adequately well with cultural others. Therefore, the research on the theoretical construction of intercultural competence and related issues has become one of the key areas of intercultural communication studies. However, because of the Western traditions that have dominated communication studies for so long, some prevailing tendencies so far in the research, such as reductionism and fragmentationism, the preoccupation with effectiveness, and the non-crosscultural orientations, have to be problematized. It seems extremely necessary for us to revisit the construction of intercultural competence and its significance in new and wider perspectives and try to develop the truly crosscultural paradigms if the research on intercultural competence is hoped to contribute substantially to the improvement of intercultural co-existence throughout the world. 

2011 Vol. 41 (3): 132-139 [Abstract] ( 5933 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1806KB] ( 5397 )
140 Jiang Wangqi
Early Monographs on Language in China and the West: A Comparative Study

There is a long history of language study in China.As early as in the fifth century B.C.,there were discussions about the nature of language,if we include the philosophical arguments of Lao Zi.The first dictionary Erya(《尔雅》) came out at least in the second century B.C.The more modern dictionary Shuowen Jiezi(《说文解字》),which not only provided explanations of meaning and pronunciation,but also explorations on the relation between sound and form of writing,was published in 121 A.D.Yet some people claim there were no grammatical studies in ancient China.Why? In what ways is Shuowen Jiezi different from works like Technē Grammatikē by Dionysius Thrax? What caused the differences in their approaches to language? In order to find answers to these questions,the author of this paper made a comparative study of Technē Grammatikē and Shuowen Jiezi.He discovered that these two works were meant to serve the same purposes,and Dionysius and Xu Shen did their studies in the same way,concentrating on the basic unit in their respective languages.The major difference between Technē Grammatikē and Shuowen Jiezi,the author argues,lies in the structural difference between Greek and Chinese: the former is structurally composed of words (at least this was the view of Dionysius at that time) while the latter of zi(字),Chinese characters.It is easy and convenient to break Greek words down into roots and affixes,the knowledge of which is referred to as morphology,on which the whole edifice of grammar in the West was built.In contrast,it is only possible to analyze Chinese characters in terms of radicals,or constituent strokes.These differences may be attributed to the different ways of writing in the two languages.But the author believes that the Chinese way of writing must be rooted in the Chinese language and has served its purposes well|otherwise it would not have such strong vitality and become the only ancient writing system in the world which is still in use today.

2011 Vol. 41 (3): 140-148 [Abstract] ( 7448 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2170KB] ( 5192 )
149 Zhang Jianli
An Exploration into Evolution of English Double-Object Construction

A construction is a category.English Double-Object Construction is a complex category,with at least 12 clusters of verbs participating in it and give-cluster inheritance sentences representing the prototypical subcategory.But there are some exceptional cases that need explaining.Diachronic investigation shows that,with the deflection in Middle English,the construction began to be semantically specialized,or the category began to shrink,with at least five types of verbs dismissed from it.This process is still under way.By describing complex interaction between pragmatics,semantics and syntax involved in the language in use,the present study reveals the evolution process of the present-day English Double-Object Construction and its motivation in a broader,diachronic field of vision,dispelling some related doubts.

2011 Vol. 41 (3): 149-158 [Abstract] ( 6519 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2126KB] ( 5282 )
159 Zhu ChafenJevons LeeChen Chao
The Market Timing and Market Reaction of Large Shareholders' Sales in China

This paper investigates the abnormal return pattern around large shareholders' sales based on disclosed trading data before March 31, 2008. We have found that cumulative abnormal return (CAR) was 4.12% before sale and -2.61% after sale respectively. This reveals that large shareholders time sales successfully and make abnormal profit, whilst outside investors regard large shareholders' sales as bad news and respond negatively. On the date of disclosure, investors react more negatively to larger sales, bad performance companies and privately owned companies. Even long after the disclosure, investors respond negatively especially to those firms which have poor performance or have been sold by controlling shareholders. The results of the investigation show that large shareholders have made use of their information advantage to gain lofty trading profit, and the prominently large CAR before sale provides strong evidence for strengthening regulation.

2011 Vol. 41 (3): 159-169 [Abstract] ( 6401 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2367KB] ( 6050 )
170 Wang Duanxu Wu Chaoyan
Transfor mational Leadership and Team Transactive Memory System:Mediating Roles of Team Trust and Team Reflexivity

Teamwork and coordi nation among team me mbers with different knowl edge and expertise are of vital i mportance to team perfor mance . As teams process and organize knowl edge,the transactive me mory system combines me mbers’distributed expertise in an attempt to solve the problem of knowl edge coordi nationinteams,thereby allowi ngthe teams concernedto perfor meffectively. Although several studies have been conducted concerni ng the factors influencing the team’s transactive me mory system,little research has been reported on the effect of transfor mational leadershi p on the team’s transactive me mory system. Tr ansfor mational leadership influences not only the communication and interactions among team me mbers,but also the acquisition and sharing of teamknowl edge,which plays a key rolein shapi ng and utilizi ng the team’s cognitive structures . Results froma study of 240 company employees indicated that transfor mational leadershi p positively affected three di mensions of the team’s transactive me mory system (i .e. specialization,credi bility and coordi nation ). Moreover,the relationships were fully mediated by teamtrust and teamreflexivity. Implications for research on the team’s transactive me mory system and means to developa mature team transactive me mory system by transfor mational leadership were also discussed.

2011 Vol. 41 (3): 170-179 [Abstract] ( 4463 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2189KB] ( 3979 )
180 Yan Shimei
Studies on the Reasons of Employee Turnover in Mergers & Acquisitions :A Literature Review

It has been found that the employee has a stronger turnover intention in mergers and acquisitions .Thus,researchers began to explore the reasons .Now,the issue has become one of the hot issues in the area of human resource integration in mergers and acquisitions .The previ ous research on that mainlyfocuses onthree approaches :relative standi ngtheory,upper echelons perspective,and cultural difference perspective .Fromthe view of relative standi ng theory,attributes of the relationship bet ween the acquiringfir mand acquiredfir mare the key effect factors of employee turnover intention.Inthe UEP approach,background characteristics of the top management teamof the acquiringfir mand acquiredfir m can predict their turnover intention or turnover behavi or .In the perspective of cultural difference,cultural differences and conflicts bet ween the acquiring fir mand the acquired fir mare the main effect factors of employ turnover intention.

2011 Vol. 41 (3): 180-189 [Abstract] ( 4110 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 2020KB] ( 3707 )
190 Lin Xinqi Jiang Rui
An Empirical Study on Relationship between Characteristics of Top Management Team and Enterprise' s Fi nancial Perfor mance :The Case of Chinese Real Estate Company

As an enterprise’s strategy maker,top management team’s behaviors influence the whole company’s future and fate . Whether a top management team can make the right strategy sometimes depends on its characteristics . Based on the previous research,this paper analyzes China’s 108 real estate listed companies through regression analysis,making the conclusion that : characteristics of top management team have some effects on enterprise’s financial perfor mance,but the effects are limited;the relationship bet ween average educational level of top management teamand the enterprise’s financial perfor mance is positive;the relationship bet ween experience heterogeneity and the enterprise’s financial perfor mance is positive . The enterprise’s financial perfor mance seems not to be related to such factors as the average age of top-level managers,the heterogeneity of age and educational levels .

2011 Vol. 41 (3): 190-197 [Abstract] ( 1151 ) [HTML 1KB] [PDF 1612KB] ( 2317 )


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