Energy and Power Engineering |
Enhancement of steam condensation heat transfer on hydrophilic-hydrophobic two-layer structure surface |
Qing-pan KONG(),Xian-bing JI*(),Ru-hong ZHOU,Tian-ya YOU,Jin-liang XU |
Beijing Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer for Low Grade Energy, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China |
Abstract A hydrophilic-hydrophobic two-layer surface was prepared based on the idea of synergistic drainage and bionics, using chemical etching, in order to study the condensation heat transfer performance of steam on different wettability structure surfaces. The two-layer surface is composed of one layer of superhydrophobic surface and the other layer of sintered mastoid structure, between which is a cavity. The effects of composited structure, subcooling and cooling water volume flow flux on condensation heat transfer were studied. Experimental results show that the hydrophilic-hydrophobic composited structure can improve the heat transfer coefficient. The condensation heat transfer coefficient of the composited structure is 4.8 and 1.8 times that of the smooth copper surface and the single superhydrophobic surface, respectively, when the subcooling is 5.0 K. There are two main driving forces in the movement process of condensed droplets towards the mastoid. One is the Laplace pressure difference force after contacting the mastoid structure, and the other is the capillary suction force produced by the pores in the mastoid. The condensation heat transfer coefficient of the combined surface gradually decreases with the increase of the cooling water volume flow and the increase of the degree of subcooling.
Received: 05 May 2019
Published: 05 May 2020
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Xian-bing JI
为了研究蒸汽在不同润湿性结构表面上的冷凝传热性能,基于协同排液思想和仿生理念,利用化学刻蚀法制备超疏水-超亲水两层结构表面:一层为超疏水表面,另一层为经双氧水氧化的烧结乳突结构表面,2层之间为空腔. 研究组合结构、过冷度和冷却水体积流量对冷凝传热的影响. 实验结果表明:亲-疏水组合结构表面的冷凝传热系数最高. 当过冷度为5.0 K时,组合结构表面的冷凝传热系数分别为光滑铜表面和单一超疏水表面的4.8、1.8倍. 冷凝形成的液滴在向乳突运动的过程中主要受到2个驱动力:接触乳突结构后受到的拉普拉斯压差作用力、乳突内部孔隙所产生的毛细吸力. 组合表面的冷凝传热系数随冷却水体积流量的增大和过冷度的增大而逐渐减小.
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