Three-dimensional high-resolution evaluation of urban underground space resource quality |
Yue XI1(),Wan-bin ZHANG2,Pei-nan LI3,*(),Bao-lin LIU2,Ben XU2,Xiao-jun LI1 |
1. College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China 2. CREEC(Chongqing) Survey, Design and Research Limited Company, Chongqing 400023, China 3. College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China |
Abstract A three-dimensional high-resolution urban underground space resource (UUSR) evaluation method was proposed in order to consider the three-dimensional (3D) utilization behavior of underground space. A chain run-length encoding data structure was established, and its mapping relationship with the voxel space was constructed. The compression storage and integration of multi-source evaluation data was realized. The key elements of the evaluation process were integrated, and a 3D high-resolution UUSR evaluation system was developed based on ArcGIS Engine. Yuzhong Peninsula in Chongqing was taken as an engineering application, and the 3D high-resolution UUSR evaluation was conducted on the whole area with a depth of 60 m. Construction risks of underground rail transit lines were analyzed. Results show that the underground space of Yuzhong Peninsula in Chongqing was finely divided and evaluated to obtain the 3D UUSR grade distribution of the evaluation area, and construction risks of underground rail transit lines were given in detail. The 3D high-resolution UUSR evaluation can be conducted by the proposed evaluation method, which provides decision-making support for underground space development.
Received: 24 May 2021
Published: 24 April 2022
Fund: 国家自然科学基金高铁联合基金资助项目(U1934212). |
Corresponding Authors:
Pei-nan LI
E-mail: xiyue2088@tongji.edu.cn;lipeinan@dhu.edu.cn
为了考虑地下空间的立体化利用行为,提出城市地下空间资源质量三维精细化评价方法. 通过建立链式游程编码数据结构,构建数据结构与体素空间的映射关系,实现多源评价数据的压缩存储与集成. 整合评价过程的各要素,基于ArcGIS Engine开发城市地下空间资源质量三维精细化评价系统. 以重庆市渝中半岛作为工程应用,开展该区域60 m深度内的地下空间资源质量三维精细化评价,分析该区域地下交通线路的建设风险. 结果表明,重庆市渝中半岛地下空间被精细地划分及评价,得到区域资源质量的立体分区,给出地下交通线路建设潜在风险的详细信息. 提出的评价方法实现了城市地下空间资源质量三维精细化评价,可为城市地下空间开发提供决策支持.
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