Analysis of raindrop trajectory in centrifuge-simulated hypergravity field |
Yu ZHAO( ),Sheng CHANG,Jian-jing ZHENG*( ),Dao-sheng LING,Teng LIANG |
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract The inertia and the non-inertial frames were established by taking the center of rotation and the tip of the nozzle as the origin respectively in order to analyze the trajectory of raindrops and the rainfall simulation process in the hypergravity field. Then the kinematical and dynamic equations of raindrops were integrated to solve the raindrop motion trajectory. The influences of the value of hypergravity N, the height of the fall, and the initial velocity on the coverage of raindrops falling in a centrifuge-simulated hypergravity field were analyzed. The test conditions were proposed based on rainfall shock effects and rainfall uniformity in the centrifuge. Results showed that the existing methods had large deviations, and the maximum relative error of the offset of the center position of the falling coverage area was 28.22%.
Received: 11 February 2020
Published: 25 April 2021
Fund: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51988101) |
Corresponding Authors:
Jian-jing ZHENG
E-mail: zhao_yu@zju.edu.cn;zhengjianjing@zju.edu.cn
为了探究离心模拟超重力场下的雨滴运动轨迹及降雨模拟过程,分别以旋转中心和喷嘴端部为原点建立惯性系和随动坐标系,综合运动学和动力学方程求解雨滴运动轨迹,修正现有研究中雨滴下落轨迹分析的不合理之处. 分析离心模拟超重力场下雨滴下落覆盖范围受超重力N值、下落高度、初始速度的影响程度以及不同方法计算结果相较于推荐方法的误差,以离心机内降雨冲击作用和降雨均匀性要求为判据提出试验建议. 结果表明,已有方法存在较大的偏差,下落覆盖范围中心位置的偏移量最大相对误差达到28.22%.
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