Bearing fault diagnosis based on improved sparse filter and deep network fusion |
Mei-ying QIAO(),Xia-xia TANG(),Shu-hao YAN,Jian-ke SHI |
College of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, China |
Abstract An improved model combining sparse filtering and deep dilated gate convolutional network was proposed in order to solve the problem that feature extraction relies on manual experience when rolling bearing faults occur, and that the fault category was difficult to automatically and accurately identify. Sliding window was used to sample bearing vibration signals with time series characteristics in order to avoid over fitting. Heteroscedasticity was eliminated and data features were extracted by improving the sparse filtering of the objective function in order to shorten the calculation time and improve the accuracy of classification. The fault classification model was established by combining the dilated gate convolution and the bidirectional LSTM network, and the data noise can be filtered out. Data experiments from Case Western Reserve University and laboratory power equipment were compared. Results show that the fault diagnosis accuracy rate of this model can reach 98%. Different load and different SNR experiments with bearing vibration signals show that the model has generalization and anti-noise performance.
Received: 09 January 2020
Published: 31 December 2020
针对滚动轴承故障时特征提取依赖人工经验,以及故障类别难以自动准确识别的问题,提出了一种改进稀疏滤波和深层空洞门卷积网络相结合的故障诊断模型. 采用滑动窗对具有时序特征的轴承振动信号进行采样处理以避免过拟合;通过改进目标函数的稀疏滤波消除数据中的异方差并提取数据特征,达到缩短计算时间和提高分类准确率的效果;利用空洞门卷积和双向LSTM网络对噪声进行滤除,同时进行故障分类识别. 对比凯斯西储大学和动力系统装置的轴承实验数据,显示该模型故障诊断准确率可达98%. 不同负载和不同信噪比的轴承振动信号实验,表明该模型具有泛化性和抗噪性.
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