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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2020, Vol. 54 Issue (8): 1543-1549    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2020.08.012
Security of source address validation improvement binding table in software defined network
Dong LI(),Yu LU,Jun-qing YU
Network and Computation Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
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Address assignment mechanisms (AAM) packet validation, binding entry updating and denial of service (DoS) attack mitigation were considered to improve the safety of IPv6 source address validation improvement (SAVI) binding table in software defined network (SDN). AAM packet validating table is established in SDN controller to record switch port, MAC address and host address. AAM packet validation procedure for DHCPv6 and SLAAC is built, which sends out flow rules for router advertisement (RA) snooping to collect DHCPv6 request/reply packets and NS/NA packets, and verifies IP address in these packets based on AAM packet validating table. The monitoring and updating mechanism of binding entries is established to adapt to dynamic network, in order to detect events such as host offline and IP failure, update binding table in time and ensure consistency between SAVI binding table and actual network information. The traffic rate limiting table of switch port is set up based on the Openflow muti-level flow table to defend against DoS attack. Experimental results show that the proposed procedure can mitigate various attacks which forge AAM packets to break SAVI binding table, update SAVI binding table records in time and improve AAM packets processing efficiency.

Key wordssoftware defined network      source address validation      binding table      IPv6 security      address assignment     
Received: 18 September 2019      Published: 28 August 2020
CLC:  TP 393  
Cite this article:

Dong LI,Yu LU,Jun-qing YU. Security of source address validation improvement binding table in software defined network. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2020, 54(8): 1543-1549.

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为了提高软件定义网络(SDN)中IPv6源地址验证(SAVI)绑定表的安全性,从地址分配机制(AAM)消息验证、绑定项更新和拒绝服务(DoS)攻击防御三方面对绑定表进行保护. 基于SDN控制器构建AAM消息验证表,记录交换机端口、MAC地址、主机IP地址等信息;建立DHCPv6和SLAAC这2种地址配置报文的验证模型,下发流表监听路由器通告(RA)消息,获取DHCPv6 request/reply报文和NS/NA报文,基于AAM消息验证表验证报文中的地址信息;针对网络的动态变化建立绑定信息监听和更新机制,监听主机离线或者主机IP失效事件,及时更新绑定信息,保证绑定表和实际网络信息的一致性;基于OpenFlow多级流表建立交换机端口限速表,防止拒绝服务攻击. 实验结果表明,本方案能够有效防御多种针对绑定表的伪造AAM报文攻击,及时更新绑定表信息,提高AAM消息的处理效率.

关键词: 软件定义网络,  源地址验证,  绑定表,  IPv6安全,  地址分配 
报文类型 处理方法
Request 更新AAM验证表,绑定状态设为1
Decline 删除AAM验证表和绑定表对应项
Confirm 修改AAM验证表交换机端口绑定状态设为1
Tab.1 Processing action of DHCPv6 packets
Fig.1 Validation procedure of local link address
Fig.2 Procedure of binding entries updating
Fig.3 Platform of binding table security testing
消息编号 伪造消息类型 描述
1 Request/Reply 伪造MAC地址
2 Request/Reply 伪造IA选项IP地址
3 Decline 伪造IA选项IP地址为其他主机IP
4 NS 伪造MAC地址
5 NS 目标地址为本地链路地址
6 NS 目标地址为全球单播地址且前缀不匹配
7 NS 目标地址为前缀匹配的全球
8 NS 目标地址为其他主机IP地址
Tab.2 Types of forged AAM messages
有临时地址 无临时地址 有临时地址 无临时地址
1 能/无 能/无 能/无 能/无
2 能/无 能/无 能/无 能/无
3 能/无 能/无 能/无 能/无
4 能/无 能/无 能/无 能/无
5 能/无 能/无 能/无 能/无
6 能/无 能/无 能/无 能/无
7 能/无 不能/有 能/无 能/无
8 能/无 不能/无 能/无 能/无
Tab.3 Experimental results of forged AAM packets attack
Fig.4 Original records in binding table
Fig.5 Log of binding entries updating
Fig.6 Updated binding entries
Fig.7 Results of scheme with no traffic rate limit
Fig.8 Results of scheme with traffic rate limit on switch
Fig.9 Results of scheme with traffic rate limit on switch port
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