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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2020, Vol. 54 Issue (8): 1550-1556    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2020.08.013
Analysis of Internet scanning behavior based on dynamic dark network
Qiu-yun WU(),Wei DING*()
College of Cyberspace Security, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China
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A real-time Internet background radiation (IBR) traffic acquisition algorithm based on the dynamic dark network was used to collect IBR traffic and the collected IBR traffic was analyzed, in order to observe the scanning behavior on the Internet. An algorithm was designed to filter out the scanning traffic to observe the port-oriented scanning behavior. The dynamic dark network is relatively stable and scattered, thus it is not easily to be located. The IBR traffic obtained through it is a reliable data source for scanning analysis. IBR traffic is mainly composed of transmission control protocol (TCP), user datagram protocol (UDP) and Internet control message protocol (ICMP) protocols, of which TCP traffic accounts for more than 90%. It is different from the distribution of the three protocols in normal traffic. The TCP, UDP and ICMP traffic obtained by IBR traffic are mainly scanning traffic, of which horizontal scanning is widely used. The popular scanning ports for both TCP and UDP are dangerous ports, which proves that the port-oriented scanning behavior analysis plays an important role in discovering new vulnerabilities on the Internet. The TCP port scanning behavior is more dispersed, while the UDP port scanning behavior is more concentrated.

Key wordsInternet background radiation (IBR)      dark network      scanning detection      scanning behavior analysis      port scan     
Received: 20 September 2019      Published: 28 August 2020
CLC:  TP 393.07  
Corresponding Authors: Wei DING     E-mail:;
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Qiu-yun WU,Wei DING. Analysis of Internet scanning behavior based on dynamic dark network. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2020, 54(8): 1550-1556.

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为了对互联网上的扫描行为进行观测,采用基于动态暗网的互联网背景辐射(IBR)流量实时采集算法实现对IBR流量的采集,并对采集到的IBR流量进行分析;设计算法过滤出扫描流量,进行面向端口的扫描行为观测. 该动态暗网是相对稳定且分散的,不易被定位,通过其获取到的IBR流量是进行扫描分析的可靠数据源. IBR流量主要由传输控制协议(TCP)、用户数据报协议(UDP)、Internet控制消息协议(ICMP)这3种协议组成,其中TCP流量占90%以上,与正常流量中3种协议的分布不同. IBR流量得到的TCP、UDP、ICMP流量都以扫描流量为主,且广泛采用水平扫描的形式. TCP、UDP的热门扫描端口都是危险端口,证明面向端口的扫描行为分析对于发现互联网中新出现的漏洞有重要作用. TCP端口扫描行为较分散,UDP端口扫描行为较集中.

关键词: 互联网背景辐射(IBR),  暗网,  扫描检测,  扫描行为分析,  端口扫描 
Fig.1 Protocol distribution of IBR traffic
Fig.2 Protocol distribution of normal traffic
Fig.3 ICMP classification results
Fig.4 TCP classification results
Fig.5 UDP classification results
port n Pn / % Pc / % Service
23 2 020 697 594 6.212 6.212 Telnet
445 1 120 403 460 3.444 9.656 SMB
22 501 441 369 1.541 11.197 SSH
3 389 313 051 184 0.962 12.159 RDP
80 259 926 595 0.799 12.958 HTTP
37 215 225 917 093 0.694 13.652 华为路由器HG532 CVE-2017-17215漏洞
1 433 208 795 986 0.642 14.294 SQL Server
8 080 204 845 408 0.630 14.924 Alt-HTTP
5 555 203 975 022 0.627 15.551 ADB
5 038 143 645 366 0.442 15.993 Asterisk服务器侦听端口
Tab.1 TCP popular scanning ports from June 20 to June 26, 2019
port n Pn / % Pc / % Service
23 1 744 165 990 5.035 5.035 Telnet
445 1 039 652 805 3.001 8.036 SMB
80 775 669 513 2.239 10.275 HTTP
22 549 943 948 1.587 11.862 SSH
3 389 347 211 413 1.002 12.864 RDP
37 215 277 886 064 0.802 13.666 华为路由器HG532 CVE-2017-17215漏洞
8 080 221 624 050 0.640 14.306 Alt-HTTP
1 433 209 356 000 0.604 14.910 SQL Server
8 545 192 044 920 0.554 15.464 以太坊通信端口
5 555 179 283 575 0.518 15.982 ADB
Tab.2 TCP popular scanning ports from July 4 to July 10, 2019
port n Pn / % Pc / % Service
5 060 182 714 745 12.180 12.180 SIP
53 413 142 737 514 9.515 21.696 Netcore(Netis)路由器后门漏洞
53 57 359 489 3.824 25.520 DNS
1 900 54 719 415 3.648 29.167 SSDP
123 47 214 569 3.147 32.315 NTP
161 33 744 445 2.250 34.564 SNMP
389 31 243 000 2.083 36.647 LDAP、ILS
137 23 160 513 1.544 38.191 NetBIOS
11 211 15 765 197 1.051 39.242 Memcached
19 15 421 089 1.028 40.270 Chargen
Tab.3 UDP popular scanning ports from June 20 to June 26, 2019
port n Pn / % Pc / % Service
5 060 188 249 763 10.250 10.250 SIP
53 413 81 318 222 4.428 14.677 Netcore(Netis)路由器后门漏洞
1 900 81 186 397 4.420 19.098 SSDP
123 61 200 710 3.332 22.430 NTP
53 58 530 676 3.187 25.617 DNS
389 47 914 908 2.609 28.226 LDAP、ILS
161 30 607 468 1.667 29.892 SNMP
137 22 735 052 1.238 31.130 NetBIOS
19 19 809 086 1.079 32.209 Chargen
111 15 924 692 0.867 33.076 Sun RPC
Tab.4 UDP popular scanning ports from July 4 to July 10, 2019
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