Civil Engineering, Traffic Engineering |
Numerical study on deposition characteristics of snow particle on bogie of high-speed train |
Lu CAI( ),Tian LI,Ji-ye ZHANG*( ) |
State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiao Tong University, Chengdu 610031, China |
Abstract A snow particle deposition model based on the critical capture angle and the critical shear velocity was established in order to reveal the deposition distribution of snow particles on the bogie surface of high-speed trains. The Lagrangian method was used to simulate the motion of snow particles. The deposition characteristics of snow particle on the bogie surface were analyzed. Results show that the bottom of the bogie frame, the anti-snake damper, the intermediate brake clamps in the rear wheelset, the traction rod and the anti-rolling torsion bar are the areas prone to accumulate snow particles. The vertical surfaces of the rear region, the horizontal surfaces of the front region and the corner areas of the bogie have high adhesion rate. Whether it is the amount of snow accretion or the adhesion rate, the area of the cross beam of the bogie frame is the largest. The average snow accumulation of each component from high to low is traction rod, frame, bolster, brake clamp 2, anti-rolling torsion bar, brake clamp 1, transverse damper, axle box 2, axle box 1, air spring, anti-snake damper, tread cleaning device. The average snow accumulation on the traction rod, frame, bolster, and clamp 2 is about double that of other components, and the average snow accumulation on brake clamp 2 is about twice as high as on brake clamp 1. When the capture angle varies from 30 to 60 degrees, the change of the critical capture angle has slightly effect on the total snow accretion on each component.
Received: 30 March 2019
Published: 05 April 2020
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为了揭示高速列车转向架表面的雪粒沉积分布,建立基于临界捕获角度和临界剪切速度的雪粒沉积模型,采用拉格朗日方法模拟雪粒在气流中的运动,研究转向架表面的雪粒沉积特性. 研究结果表明,转向架构架底部、抗蛇行减振器、后轮对中间制动夹钳、牵引拉杆、抗侧滚扭杆区域为雪粒易堆积部位;转向架后部区域垂向面、前部区域水平面、角落区域黏附率高;无论是积雪量,还是黏附率,都是以转向架中部横梁区域为最大;各部件平均积雪量由高到低依次为:牵引拉杆、构架、摇枕、二轴制动夹钳、抗侧滚扭杆、一轴制动夹钳、横向减振器、二轴轴箱、一轴轴箱、空气弹簧、抗蛇行减振器、踏面清扫装置,其中牵引拉杆、构架、摇枕、夹钳2的平均积雪量比其他部件高出约1倍,二轴制动夹钳的平均积雪量比一轴制动夹钳高出约1倍;当临界捕获角度为30~60°时,临界捕获角度的变化对部件总的积雪量影响较小.
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