Electrical Engineering |
Power prediction control of ISOP based on single phase shift control |
Yi-jia ZHAO( ),Yun-jian WANG*( ),Yao-dong WANG,Wei ZHANG |
College of Electrical Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, China |
Abstract The input-series output-parallel (ISOP) structure converter composed of dual-active-bridge was selected, and a power prediction control method was proposed based on power sharing in order to overcome the problem of poor dynamic performance and low robustness of DC converter in the case of input voltage ripple or load variation in AC/DC microgrid applications. The ISOP power model was established by analyzing the ISOP power control principle according to the single phase shift control theory. A method was proposed to predict power and construct evaluation function, which can be used to optimize the phase shift. The proposed schemes can significantly improve the dynamic response speed when the input voltage variety and load change compared with the traditional voltage closed-loop control method. In addition, the proposed schemes can ensure the power balance of each module and enhance anti-interference ability. Two cell ISOP prototypes were constructed in MATLAB simulation and RT-LAB semi-physical experiment platform. The simulation and experimental results showed the correctness and validity of the proposed control method.
Received: 15 May 2019
Published: 05 January 2020
Corresponding Authors:
Yun-jian WANG
E-mail: zhaoyj1220@163.com;yunjian_wang@163.com
针对直流变换器在交直流微网应用中输入电压脉动或负载变动情况下的动态性能较差和鲁棒性能较低的问题,选择由双有源全桥构成输入串联输出并联(ISOP)结构变换器为研究对象,提出基于功率均分的功率预测控制方法. 采用单移相控制思想,通过分析ISOP功率控制原理,建立ISOP控制模型,对功率进行预测并构建评价函数以对移相量进行优化. 相比于传统电压闭环控制,该方法在输入电压和负载发生变化时,显著地提高系统动态响应速度,增强系统抗干扰能力并保证各模块功率均衡. 搭建两单元ISOP系统的MATLAB仿真模型及RT-LAB半实物实验平台,仿真和实验结果验证了该方法的正确性与有效性.
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