Computer and Control Engineering |
Multi-objective group decision method for crowdsourcing product modeling design scheme in cloud environment |
Jian CHEN( ),Rong MO,Sui-huai YU,Jian-jie CHU*( ),Deng-kai CHEN,Jing GONG |
Shaanxi Engineering Laboratory for Industrial Design, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China |
Abstract Aiming at the decision problems in the manufacturing process of crowdsourcing product modeling design schemes in the cloud environment, a multi-objective group decision method was proposed from the perspective of industrial design. The characteristics of the crowdsourcing product modeling design and manufacturing process in the cloud environment were analyzed, by taking the existing crowdsourcing product modeling design schemes as the research object. The evaluation objectives that need to be considered in the process of group decision was analyzed according to the characteristics of the schemes. The evaluation objectives and objective weights were calculated by using the analytic hierarchy process, and the multi-objective evaluation system for the crowdsourcing design was established. The multi-objective group decision-making problem was transformed into multi-objective optimization problem. The multi-objective group decision model for the crowdsourcing product modeling design was constructed based on the evaluation system. The optimization method was used to solve the model, and the crowdsourcing design scheme which was closest to the idealized scheme was obtained. The decision problem of crowdsourcing product modeling design scheme for the medical analgesic pump was taken as an example, and results show that the proposed method can effectively solve the group selection and decision-making problem of crowdsourcing product modeling design scheme in the manufacturing process.
Received: 12 November 2018
Published: 13 August 2019
Corresponding Authors:
Jian-jie CHU
针对云环境中众包产品造型设计方案在制造过程中的决策问题,从工业设计角度出发提出多目标群体决策方法. 将已有众包产品造型设计方案作为研究对象,分析云环境中众包产品造型设计与制造过程的特点. 根据方案特点分析群体决策过程中须考虑的评价目标,采用层次分析法对评价目标与目标权重进行计算,建立众包设计方案的多目标评价体系. 将多目标群体决策问题转化为多目标优化问题,以评价体系为依据构建众包产品造型设计方案多目标群体决策模型,采用优化方法对模型进行求解,得到与理想方案最接近的众包设计方案. 以医疗镇痛泵的众包造型设计方案决策问题为例进行验证,结果表明所提方法可以有效解决众包产品造型设计方案在制造过程中的群体选择决策问题.
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