Load balancing algorithms of semantic publish/subscribe system over structured P2P networks |
QIAN Jian-feng, YIN Jian-wei, DONG Jin-xiang |
School of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China |
Abstract A dynamic load balancing algorithm of semantic publish/subscribe system over structured P2P networks was proposed by combining characteristics of the distributed publish/subscribe system with advantages of current structured P2P (peer-to-peer) load balancing algorithms. Ontology provided semantic support. Concepts of ontology class weight, broker weight and virtual subscription were defined. Weighted ontology class tree was mapped to the weighted broker network. Brokers managed virtual subscriptions, and ontology routing table maintained the mapping information. Events and subscriptions in accordance with their ontology information were assigned to different brokers. Then the system achieved semanticbased division of the structured P2P network and large-scale distributed computing and matching capabilities. Weights of ontology classes and brokers can be dynamically adjusted, and brokers can exchange or transfer the virtual subscriptions when overloaded. Thereby the system obtained efficient load balancing. Experimental results show that the load balancing algorithms significantly increase the capacity of the broker network and achieve good scalability and good tradeoff of network resource consumption.
Published: 01 October 2011
结构化P2P网络的语义发布/订阅系统 负载均衡算法
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