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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2022, Vol. 56 Issue (8): 1553-1559    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2022.08.009
南京林业大学 汽车与交通工程学院,江苏 南京 210037
Stochastic optimal velocity car-following model based on quantile regression
Yi-yong PAN(),Xing-yu GUAN
College of Automobile and Traffic Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
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为了研究交通流异质性对车辆跟驰行为的影响,基于分位数回归方法改进优化速度函数. 根据实际交通流数据对改进的优化速度函数进行参数标定,并对参数结果进行假设检验,结合改进的优化速度函数和全速度差跟驰模型建立随机优化速度跟驰模型,利用傅里叶变换理论推导跟驰模型的稳定性条件,并搭建环形车道仿真平台对跟驰模型进行数值实验. 结果表明:改进的优化速度函数能更好地反映交通流异质性对交通流的影响;单一分位点车队达到稳定状态的时间与分位点呈正相关;多分位点组合车队随着0.5分位点车辆数的增加,达到稳定状态的时间减少. 提出的多分位点车队相比于单一分位点车队可以更真实地反映交通流复杂的运行状况.

关键词: 交通工程跟驰模型非线性分位数回归优化速度函数交通流理论    

The optimized velocity function was improved based on quantile-regression method, in order to study the influence of traffic flow heterogeneity on car-following behavior. The parameters of the improved optimized velocity function were calibrated according to the actual traffic flow data, and the hypothesis test of the parameter results was carried out. Combined with the improved optimized velocity function and the full speed difference car-following model, a stochastic optimized velocity car-following model was established, and the stability conditions of the car-following model were deduced by using Fourier transform theory. A loop lane simulation platform was built to carry out numerical experiments on the car-following model. Results show that the improved optimized velocity function can better reflect the impact of traffic flow heterogeneity on traffic flow. There was a positive correlation between the time when the single quantile team reached the stable state and the quantile. The time to reach steady state was decreased with the increase of the number of vehicles at 0.5 quantile in the multi quantile fleet. Compared with the single quantile fleet, the proposed multi quantile fleet can truly reflect the complex operation of traffic flow.

Key words: traffic engineering    car-following model    nonlinear quantile-regression calibration    optimal velocity model    traffic flow theory
收稿日期: 2021-08-17 出版日期: 2022-08-30
CLC:  U 491  
基金资助: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51508280);南京林业大学高学历人才基金资助项目(GXL2014031)
作者简介: 潘义勇(1980—),男,副教授,从事交通管理与控制研究. E-mail:
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潘义勇,管星宇. 基于分位数回归的随机优化速度跟驰模型[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2022, 56(8): 1553-1559.

Yi-yong PAN,Xing-yu GUAN. Stochastic optimal velocity car-following model based on quantile regression. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(8): 1553-1559.


图 1  不同交通流密度下的速度概率分布
$\tau $ $V_1^\tau $ $V_2^\tau $ $C_1^\tau $ $C_2^\tau $ $\tau $ $V_1^\tau $ $V_2^\tau $ $C_1^\tau $ $C_2^\tau $
0.1 10.028 6.396 0.081 2.071 0.6 11.040 6.737 0.121 2.304
0.2 10.423 6.476 0.095 2.226 0.7 10.990 7.051 0.115 2.059
0.3 10.608 6.615 0.101 2.230 0.8 11.195 7.139 0.120 2.085
0.4 10.840 6.408 0.125 2.619 0.9 11.512 7.327 0.129 2.071
0.5 10.908 6.608 0.119 2.358 ? ? ? ? ?
表 1  分位数回归模型拟合结果
图 2  速度-密度关系拟合曲线
图 3  基于分位数回归在不同密度下的速度概率分布
原始数据速度分布 分位数回归速度拟合值分布
5.03 0.003 17.780 17.963(0.352) ?0.086 17.230 17.564(0.447)
35.20 ?1.098 12.500 16.381(0.224) ?0.480 12.694 15.068(0.140)
47.77 1.049 11.250 7.510(0.191) 1.435 11.775 7.581(0.164)
表 2  原始数据-分位数回归拟合值的速度分布
图 4  FVD模型稳定临界曲线( $\lambda $=0.4)
图 5  环形车道跟驰仿真场景
图 6  不同分位点车速分布
图 7  多分位点混合行驶车速分布
图 8  不同分位点位移极差
图 9  不同分位点速度变化
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