土木工程 |
钢筋加速非均匀锈蚀试验方法和锈蚀形态研究 |
金南国1( ),何家豪1,付传清2,*( ),金贤玉1 |
1. 浙江大学 建筑工程学院,浙江 杭州 310058 2. 浙江工业大学 建筑工程学院,浙江 杭州 310014 |
Study on experimental method and morphology of accelerated non-uniform corrosion of steel bars |
Nan-guo JIN1( ),Jia-hao HE1,Chuan-qing FU2,*( ),Xian-yu JIN1 |
1. College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China 2. College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, China |
金南国,何家豪,付传清,金贤玉. 钢筋加速非均匀锈蚀试验方法和锈蚀形态研究[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2020, 54(3): 483-490.
Nan-guo JIN,Jia-hao HE,Chuan-qing FU,Xian-yu JIN. Study on experimental method and morphology of accelerated non-uniform corrosion of steel bars. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2020, 54(3): 483-490.
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