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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2017, Vol. 51 Issue (10): 1891-1900    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2017.10.002
高斐1, 陈荣华2, 卜佳俊3, 于智3, 王鹰汉4, 田甜5
1. 莆田学院 信息工程学院, 福建 莆田 310011;
2. 江西财经职业学院, 江西 九江 332000;
3. 浙江大学 浙江省服务机器人重点实验室, 浙江 杭州 310027;
4. 上饶职业技术学院, 江西 上饶 334109;
5. 审计署驻上海特派员办事处, 上海 200051
Web accessibility sampling method based on node topology characteristics
GAO Fei1, CHEN Rong-hua2, BU Jia-jun3, YU Zhi3, WANG Ying-han4, TIAN Tian5
1. College of Information Engineering, Putian University, Putian 310011, China;
2. Jiangxi Vocational College of Finance and Economics, Jiujiang 332000, China;
3. Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Service Robot, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;
4. Shangrao Vocational and Technical College, Shangrao 334109, China;
5. Shanghai Agency of National Audit Office, Shanghai 200051, China
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As the existing sampling methods for web accessibility evaluation could not provide the samples which could give good representation of the entire website, the sampling methods could not reflect the distribution characteristics of the website sample data, which lead to some problems that make big sampling errors. A novel interval sampling algorithm based on the node's topological characteristics was proposed starting with the topological structure between web nodes in order to solve the problem. Each page was treated as a node and the similarity topological graph between web pages was constructed by the KNN-Graph algorithm. Then the importance of each node was obtained by its local and global topological characteristics and was sorted to get an orderly sequence of all the pages. The pages with interval sampling algorithm were chosen based on the sorting results. The method can achieve distributed sampling in different topological regions. The experimental data on real disabled person federation website shows that the method can achieve better results by obtaining smaller mean errors and more extensive distribution of the samples than other algorithms.

收稿日期: 2016-12-28 出版日期: 2017-09-27
CLC:  TP391  


通讯作者: 卜佳俊,男,教授,博士.     E-mail:
作者简介: 高斐(1982-),女,讲师,研究生,从事数据挖掘、人工智能、计算机网络研究
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高斐, 陈荣华, 卜佳俊, 于智, 王鹰汉, 田甜. 基于节点拓扑特性的网站无障碍抽样方法[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2017, 51(10): 1891-1900.

GAO Fei, CHEN Rong-hua, BU Jia-jun, YU Zhi, WANG Ying-han, TIAN Tian. Web accessibility sampling method based on node topology characteristics. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 2017, 51(10): 1891-1900.


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