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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2021, Vol. 55 Issue (2): 222-228    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2021.02.002
苏州大学 机电工程学院 江苏省先进机器人技术重点实验室,江苏 苏州 215021
Dynamic analysis and parameter optimization of under-actuated heterogeneous lower limb rehabilitation robot
Wei-da LI(),Juan LI*(),Xiang LI,Hong-miao ZHANG,Hong GU,Yi-peng SHI,Hao-jie ZHANG,Li-ning SUN
Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Advanced Robotics, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Suzhou University, Suzhou 215021, China
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针对现有外骨骼机器人人机自由度不匹配和关节对中性差的问题,提出欠驱动下肢康复机器人. 欠驱动机器人只有4个直线驱动,驱动的直线运动通过推杆和人机连接机构转化为人下肢在矢状面内的屈伸运动,带动人体进行步态康复训练. 建立机器人系统的人机耦合模型,进行模型的动力学分析,对人机耦合模型中影响动力学结果的参数进行分析,建立驱动力与肢体推动力之间的关系模型,并以推力系数最大为目标进行参数分析与优化,得到最佳的结构参数. 根据优化后的结构参数搭建康复机器人实验系统,对髋、膝关节驱动力与角度进行对比. 实验结果表明最大髋关节角度误差为2.9°,最大膝关节角度误差为6.4°,最大误差均约为9%,验证了动力学模型和参数优化结果的正确性.

关键词: 下肢康复机器人异构式构型欠驱动机器人动力学分析参数优化    

An under-actuated lower limb rehabilitation robot was proposed aiming at the problems of human-machine DOFS mismatch and poor joint neutrality of existing exoskeletons robots. The under-actuated robot system only has four linear drives. The linear motion driven by the robot is transformed into the flexion and extension of lower limbs in the sagittal plane through connecting rod and human-machine connection mechanism. Human-machine coupling model was established for robot systems, and then dynamics analysis was carried out. The parameters in the human-machine coupling model that affect dynamic results were analyzed, a method to analyze the relationship between driving force and limb driving force was proposed, then the parameters with the maximum thrust coefficient as the target were analyzed and optimized, and the best structural parameters were obtained. Finally, the rehabilitation robot system was established based on the optimized structural parameters. The driving force and the angle of hip and knee joints were compared. Experimental results showed that the maximum error of the hip joint angle was 2.9°, the maximum angle error of the knee joint was 6.4°, and the maximum errors were about 9%, which verified the correctness of the dynamic model and the parameter optimization results.

Key words: lower limb rehabilitation robot    heterogeneous configuration    under-actuated robot    dynamics analysis    parameter optimization
收稿日期: 2020-03-19 出版日期: 2021-03-09
CLC:  TH 113.2  
基金资助: 国家重点研发计划资助项目(2018YFC2001304);国家自然科学基金资助项目(51475314)
通讯作者: 李娟     E-mail:;
作者简介: 李伟达(1979—),男,副教授,博士,从事康复机器人研究. E-mail:
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李伟达,李娟,李想,张虹淼,顾洪,史逸鹏,张浩杰,孙立宁. 欠驱动异构式下肢康复机器人动力学分析及参数优化[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2021, 55(2): 222-228.

Wei-da LI,Juan LI,Xiang LI,Hong-miao ZHANG,Hong GU,Yi-peng SHI,Hao-jie ZHANG,Li-ning SUN. Dynamic analysis and parameter optimization of under-actuated heterogeneous lower limb rehabilitation robot. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2021, 55(2): 222-228.


图 1  欠驱动康复机器人单侧人机耦合模型
图 2  连杆DF、EG受力分析图
图 3  单侧下肢关节角度曲线
图 4  髋关节推力系数与 ${\theta _3}$、 $\alpha $的关系图
图 5  膝关节推力系数与 $ {\theta }_{4}{\text{、}}\alpha {\text{、}}\beta $的关系图
图 6   ${K}_{{\rm{fk}}}{\text{、}}$ ${L_{EG}}$和 ${h_2}$步态周期初始时刻关系图
图 7  步态周期内膝关节推力系数最大值变化情况
图 8  步态周期内不同下驱动件安装高度下膝关节推力系数变化情况
图 9  不同下驱动件安装高度所对应的膝关节推力系数均方根误差
图 10  欠驱动下肢康复机器人实验系统
图 11  髋、膝关节及其角度的理论曲线与实际曲线对比
下肢康复机器人 构型 关节对中性调节方式 步态实现方式
本研究欠驱动机器人 异构式 自动 髋、膝关节主动
瑞士Lokomat 仿人式 手动 髋、膝关节主动
德国Haptic-Walker 踏板式 未考虑 踝关节主动
瑞士Erigo 床式 未考虑 髋、踝关节主动
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