机械工程 |
欠驱动异构式下肢康复机器人动力学分析及参数优化 |
李伟达( ),李娟*( ),李想,张虹淼,顾洪,史逸鹏,张浩杰,孙立宁 |
苏州大学 机电工程学院 江苏省先进机器人技术重点实验室,江苏 苏州 215021 |
Dynamic analysis and parameter optimization of under-actuated heterogeneous lower limb rehabilitation robot |
Wei-da LI( ),Juan LI*( ),Xiang LI,Hong-miao ZHANG,Hong GU,Yi-peng SHI,Hao-jie ZHANG,Li-ning SUN |
Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Advanced Robotics, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Suzhou University, Suzhou 215021, China |
李伟达,李娟,李想,张虹淼,顾洪,史逸鹏,张浩杰,孙立宁. 欠驱动异构式下肢康复机器人动力学分析及参数优化[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2021, 55(2): 222-228.
Wei-da LI,Juan LI,Xiang LI,Hong-miao ZHANG,Hong GU,Yi-peng SHI,Hao-jie ZHANG,Li-ning SUN. Dynamic analysis and parameter optimization of under-actuated heterogeneous lower limb rehabilitation robot. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2021, 55(2): 222-228.
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