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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2018, Vol. 52 Issue (2): 307-316    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2018.02.013
陈星宇1, 黄善和1, 何昊哲1,2
1. 浙江大学 海洋学院, 浙江 舟山 316021;
2. 清华大学 水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室, 北京 100084
Measurement error due to frequency selection in multi-frequency suspended sediment measurement system
CHEN Xing-yu1, HUANG Shan-he1, He Hao-zhe1,2
1. Ocean College, Zhejiang University, Zhoushan 316021, China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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A simulation model was built to inverse the sediment concentration and particle size from acoustic backscattering signal, based on the typical sediment concentration and size distribution measured from Yellow River, in order to analyse the feasibility of multi-frequency acoustic measurement and the causes of measurement error due to the frequency selection in high concentration sediment-laden flow. The measurement error and its relationship with measuring frequency were analysed. Results indicate that the inversion error may be reduced if frequency can be properly decided. The particle size is a more important factor than concentration when choosing better frequency for measurement. The relationship of frequencies versus particle size in high concentration and low concentration cases was respectively calculated. Results accord with each other and this paper prefers to use lower frequency in condition of high concentration due to scattering lose.

收稿日期: 2016-12-10 出版日期: 2018-03-09
CLC:  TP183  


通讯作者: 何昊哲,男,副教授     E-mail:
作者简介: 陈星宇(1992-),男,硕士生,从事声学测沙技术等研究
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陈星宇, 黄善和, 何昊哲. 探测频率对多频声学测沙技术测量误差的影响[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2018, 52(2): 307-316.

CHEN Xing-yu, HUANG Shan-he, He Hao-zhe. Measurement error due to frequency selection in multi-frequency suspended sediment measurement system. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 2018, 52(2): 307-316.


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