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J4  2012, Vol. 46 Issue (12): 2280-2284    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2012.12.021
黄雪梅, 张磊安, 魏修亭
山东理工大学 机械工程学院,山东 淄博 255049
D-MFAC algorithm control of megawatt wind turbine
blade static loading process
HUANG Xue-mei, ZHANG Lei-an, WEI Xiu-ting
College of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049,China
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为了消除静力加载过程中的节点牵引力耦合,将无模型自适应控制(MFAC)算法引入到兆瓦级风机叶片全尺寸静力加载领域.通过分析系统的输出特性,将现场静力加载经验构造成一个D函数,设计基于D函数补偿的D-MFAC控制算法,给出算法流程,并证明该算法具有快速收敛性.将D-MFAC算法成功应用于aeroblade 3.0-55风机叶片全尺寸静力加载试验.试验结果表明:加载过程中4个加载点的牵引力能保持均匀、协调变化,过程误差不超过±4 kN,特定阶段的误差率小于1%.该算法有效地消除了静力加载过程中的牵引力耦合,实现了风机叶片的平稳加载.


The modelfree adaptive control(MFAC) algorithm was applied to megawatt wind turbine blade full-scale static loading field in order to eliminate the traction coupling. By analyzing the output characteristics and constructing on-site static loading experience as a D-function, the MFAC algorithm based on the D-function compensation was designed. The algorithmic flow was given and it was proved that the algorithm had the fast convergence feature. The D-MFAC algorithm was applied on aeroblade 3.0-55 wind turbine blade full-size static loading test successfully. Test results showed that the four points of traction maintained uniformity and coordinately during the whole loading process. The maximum error was less than ±4 kN and the error ratio of specific phase was less than 1%. The algorithm ensures that the coupling characteristics of the traction is decoupled effectively so as to realize the wind turbine blade static loading process smoothly.

出版日期: 2012-12-01
:  TH 122  


通讯作者: 张磊安,男,讲师.     E-mail:
作者简介: 黄雪梅 (1974—) 女,副教授,从事机电一体化、数字图像处理研究
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黄雪梅, 张磊安, 魏修亭. 兆瓦级风机叶片静力加载过程D-MFAC控制[J]. J4, 2012, 46(12): 2280-2284.

HUANG Xue-mei, ZHANG Lei-an, WEI Xiu-ting. D-MFAC algorithm control of megawatt wind turbine
blade static loading process. J4, 2012, 46(12): 2280-2284.


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