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J4  2011, Vol. 45 Issue (6): 991-998    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2011.06.005
潘纲, 李石坚, 陈云星
浙江大学 计算机科学与技术学院,浙江 杭州 310027
ScudContext: large-scale environmental context services infrastructure
towards cyber-physical space integration
PAN Gang, LI Shi-jian, CHEN Yun-xing
College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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提出一种信息-物理空间对应的上下文模型及相应上下文基础设施ScudContext.ScudContext通过语义技术描述上下文;通过构建空间树建立信息空间与物理空间的对应关系,将SOA(service oriented architecture)标准用于组织、管理和提供各类上下文服务.ScudContext被应用于办公楼宇监控的仿真系统,从功能和性能实验结果看,ScudContext具有松耦合、易协同、可扩展、接口标准化等优点,能很好地反映物理空间上下文的演化情况.


Proposed a cyber-physical space integrated context model and infrastructure, named ScudContext, which utilizes semantic technology to describe context, models the physical space with a corresponding spacetree in cyber space, and manages context service according to SOA (service oriented architecture) standards. ScudContext was applied to a simulation system for building monitoring. The results of functional experiment and performance experiment show that ScudContext has obvious advantages such as loosely coupled, easily collaboration, scalability, standardization of interfaces, and can reflect the evolution of physical space well.

出版日期: 2011-07-14
:  TP 393  


通讯作者: 李石坚,男,副教授.     E-mail:
作者简介: 潘纲(1976-),男,副教授,从事普适计算、行为识别方面研究. E-mail:
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潘纲, 李石坚, 陈云星. ScudContext:信息-物理空间融合的大规模
环境上下文服务[J]. J4, 2011, 45(6): 991-998.

PAN Gang, LI Shi-jian, CHEN Yun-xing. ScudContext: large-scale environmental context services infrastructure
towards cyber-physical space integration. J4, 2011, 45(6): 991-998.


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