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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2020, Vol. 54 Issue (7): 1425-1432    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2020.07.022
中车株洲电力机车研究所有限公司,湖南 株洲 412001
Collaborative selective harmonic elimination pulse width modulation for dual-module parallel-connected three-level converters
Yue WANG(),Zhen-bang ZHOU,Yun PENG
CRRC Zhuzhou Institute Limited Company, Zhuzhou 412001, China
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针对中压大功率并网变流器开关频率低、并网电流谐波大等问题,提出适于中性点钳位型(NPC)三电平双模块并联网侧变流器特定谐波消除脉宽调制(SHEPWM)分频段协同控制策略. 通过在低频段控制双模块各自输出谐波为零,在高频段控制并网双模块输出总的谐波为零,有效地提高双模块并联系统电流谐波性能. 为了抑制器件死区引起的并网电流中5次、7次谐波,引入频率自适应广义积分控制器. 该控制器在离散域直接设计参数,避免数字化过程导致控制器性能偏差. 仿真和实验结果验证了所提控制策略的有效性、优越性.

关键词: 中压大功率中性点钳位型三电平网侧变流器双模块并联特定谐波消除脉宽调制(SHEPWM)分频段协同优化谐波抑制    

A frequency-dividing collaborative control strategy of selective harmonic elimination pulse width modulation (SHEPWM) for three-level neutral point clamped based dual-module grid-tied converters was proposed aiming at the disadvantages of low switching frequency and large current harmonics of medium voltage high power grid-connected converters. Current harmonic performance of dual-module parallel-connected system was effectively improved by restricting output harmonics of each module to zero in low-frequency band, while total output harmonics of the dual-module was controlled to zero in high-frequency band. A frequency adaptive generalized integral (GI) controller was introduced in order to suppress the inherent 5th and 7th harmonics in the grid current caused by the dead-zone of the devices. Parameters of the GI controller were directly designed in discrete domain to avoid the undesired loss of high control precise due to discretization process. The simulation and experimental results verify the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed strategy.

Key words: medium-voltage high-power    neutral point clamped three-level    grid-connected converter    dual-module parallel-connected    selective harmonic elimination pulse width modulation (SHEPWM)    frequency-dividing collaborative optimal    harmonic suppression
收稿日期: 2019-05-29 出版日期: 2020-07-05
CLC:  TM 762  
作者简介: 王跃(1989—),男,博士,高级工程师,从事轨道交通电力牵引、大功率工业传动、新能源发电等变流控制以及直流微电网多变流器协同运行控制研究. E-mail:
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王跃,周振邦,彭赟. 三电平双模块并联协同特定谐波消除脉宽调制[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2020, 54(7): 1425-1432.

Yue WANG,Zhen-bang ZHOU,Yun PENG. Collaborative selective harmonic elimination pulse width modulation for dual-module parallel-connected three-level converters. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2020, 54(7): 1425-1432.


图 1  NPC三电平SHEPWM输出相电压波形
图 2  NPC三电平双模块并网变流器主电路拓扑
图 3  SHEPWM独立控制开关角随调制比分布曲线
图 4  双模块SHEPWM协同控制开关角随调制比分布曲线
图 5  GI控制器闭环频率特性曲线
图 6  GI控制器阶跃变化瞬态响应曲线
图 7  基于GI控制器的并网电流控制策略
参数 数值
变压器原边电压 /kV 10
变压器副边电压 /kV 3.15
电网工频频率 /Hz 50
变流器额定容量 /MVA 7.0×2
单相滤波电感 /mH 0.86
半桥支撑电容 /mF 18
中间直流电压 /V 5 000
1/4周期开关角个数N 9
协同控制参数L 8
数字控制采样频率 /kHz 20
表 1  双模块并网变流器系统主要参数
图 8  双模块SHEPWM独立控制并网电流波形及其频谱
图 9  双模块SHEPWM协同控制并网电流波形及其频谱
图 10  NPC三电平变流器冶金轧机机组实物
图 11  加入GI控制前、后的并网电流波形及其频谱
图 12  双模块SHEPWM独立控制与协同控制并网电流波形
图 13  轧机现场运行时并网总电流波形
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