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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2017, Vol. 51 Issue (11): 2215-2221    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2017.11.016
吴江玲1, 张生瑞1, Amit Kumar Singh2, 秦思1, 孙振东1
1. 长安大学 公路学院, 陕西 西安 710064;
2. Atkins North America, Inc., Austin, TX, USA 78758
Semi-parametric survival analysis of mandatory lane changing duration on freeways
WU Jiang-ling1, ZHANG Sheng-rui1, SINGH Amit Kumar2, QIN Si1, SUN Zhen-dong1
1. School of Highway, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, China;
2. Atkins North America, Inc., Austin, TX, 78758, USA
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为了分析高速公路施工作业区车辆的换道行为,运用生存分析的半参数方法,建立基于风险的车辆强制换道持续时间模型,通过无人机采集包茂高速公路陕西境内某路段施工作业区的交通数据,对道路车辆强制换道持续时间进行估计.结果表明:强制换道持续过程的生存时间大于5 s的概率约为80%,大于10 s的概率为28%,一半以上处在5~10 s之间;当距离小于400 m时,换道起点至合流点距离越近,车辆强制换道持续时间越短;当距离大于400 m时,车辆换道持续时间开始降低.车辆换道时间持续到t时刻,在至合流点距离50~100 m范围内开始换道的车辆,在下一时刻完成换道的可能性最大.


A hazard-based mandatory lane changing (MLC) duration model was established using the semi-parametric method of survival analysis in order to analyze vehicle's lane changing behavior characteristics on freeway work zones. Field data in work zone at Bao-mao Freeway located in Shaanxi Province were collected through an unmanned aerial vehicle. The MLC durations were estimated by analyzing the field data. Results show that the probability of MLC process survival time more than 5 s is about 80%, and the probability of survival time more than 10 s is 28%. More than half of motor vehicles' lane changing(LC) process survival time are between 5~10 s. In terms of the distance from LC initial point to the merge point, in the range of 400 m, the less it is, the shorter the MLC duration will be. As the distance increases great than 400 m, the motor vehicles' MLC duration decreases. When the MLC processes last to t, the possibility of the motor vehicles, whose LC initial points locate in 50 to 100 m away from the merging point, complete LC is the greatest in the next moment.

收稿日期: 2016-12-28 出版日期: 2017-11-13
CLC:  U491  


通讯作者: 张生瑞,男,教授.ORCID:0000-0002-9401-4686.     E-mail:
作者简介: 吴江玲(1987-),女,博士生,从事交通安全、智能交通等研究
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吴江玲, 张生瑞, Amit Kumar Singh, 秦思, 孙振东. 高速公路强制换道持续时间半参数生存分析[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2017, 51(11): 2215-2221.

WU Jiang-ling, ZHANG Sheng-rui, SINGH Amit Kumar, QIN Si, SUN Zhen-dong. Semi-parametric survival analysis of mandatory lane changing duration on freeways. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 2017, 51(11): 2215-2221.


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