Orthogonal experimental study on mechanical properties of CFRP-bolted timber joints with slotted-in corrugated steel plates |
Xuan GUO(),Zhonggen XU*(),Yatao ZHAO,Danyun ZHONG |
1. School of Civil Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China |
Abstract In order to visualize the effect of shaped sections on the joints, and to provide some experience for the safety design of bolted timber joints with slotted-in shaped steel plates, a CFRP-bolted timber joints with slotted-in corrugated steel plates was proposed, and uniaxial paralleling tensile tests were carried out under orthogonal parametric design conditions. The tests reveal that the joints have multiple force characteristics, which mainly include the forms of timber shear damage, transverse to tension-type fracture (TL fracture), end compression crush, CFRP fracture and bolt bending. The joints have no obvious yielding stage, and mainly undergo the elastic stage, the fracture failure transition stage and the fracture failure stage. Based on the orthogonal parametric analysis, the degree and the pattern of different factors on the proposed joint were obtained. Results show that the ultimate strength and ductility are more significantly influenced by each factor than the elastic stiffness, and the wave angle and the wave height are the main factors. The ultimate strength fluctuates with the increase of the wave height and is negatively correlated with the wave angle, while the ductility is negatively correlated with the wave angle and the wave height.
Received: 05 April 2023
Published: 27 March 2024
Fund: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51678172);国家标准制修订计划(2021944-T-469);广州市标准化战略专项资助项目. |
Corresponding Authors:
Zhonggen XU
E-mail: 1159455394@qq.com;xuzhonggen@263.net
为了明确异型截面钢填板对节点性能的影响,为木结构异型钢填板螺栓节点提供安全性的设计经验,提出CFRP-木结构波纹钢填板螺栓节点,在正交试验设计条件下开展单轴顺纹拉伸试验研究. 试验发现,节点具有多种受力特征,包括木构件剪切破坏、顺纹向张开型断裂(TL断裂)、端部顺纹压溃、CFRP断裂和螺栓弯折等形式;节点在受力过程中没有明显屈服阶段,主要经历线弹性阶段、断裂失效过渡阶段和断裂失效阶段. 通过正交参数分析得到不同因素对所提节点主要力学性能的影响程度及规律. 结果表明:各因素对极限强度和延性的影响比对弹性刚度的影响显著,且波角和波高为主要影响因素. 极限强度与波角负相关且随着波高的增大呈波动变化,延性与波角和波高负相关.
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