Design of 0~21 GHz wideband silicon-based digital attenuator with high accuracy |
Mei-shan LIU( ),Wei ZHANG*( ),Dong-ning HAO |
School of Microelectronics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China |
Abstract A new switch embedded attenuator structure based on capacitive correction network was presented, in order to solve the problem of unstable broadband performance in the RF front-end transceiver system. The capacitive correction network saving the core circuit area by adjusting the influence of the zero and pole to the frequency response, expanded the working band, which satisfied the cross-band, wide frequency domain RF design requirements for communication transceiver front end. A 6-bit digital step attenuator with the correction network based on HHNEC 0.18 μm SiGe BiCMOS process was designed, the digital step attenuators had 6-bit digital control inputs with 64 attenuation states, the maximum attenuation of 31.5 dB and the least attenuation step of 0.5 dB. Simulation results show that in the bandwidth of 0~21 GHz, the 64-state root mean square (RMS) of attenuation error is less than 0.23 dB, the RMS of phase variation is less than 4.38°, the maximum insertion loss at 21 GHz is ?11.05 dB, the minimum insertion loss is ?4 dB, the 1 dB compression point at the center frequency is 17.3 dBm. The layout area of core circuit is 0.86 mm×0.2 mm.
Received: 24 June 2020
Published: 05 July 2021
Corresponding Authors:
E-mail: ms03@tju.edu.cn;tjuzhangwei@tju.edu.cn
0~21 GHz高精度宽带硅基数字衰减器设计
针对射频前端收发系统中衰减结构宽带性能不稳定的问题,提出具有双重电容补偿的新型开关内嵌式衰减结构。该结构基于容性校正网络,在节约核心电路面积的同时通过调节零、极点对频率响应的影响,达到拓展衰减单元工作频带的目的,以满足跨频段、宽频域射频通信收发前端的设计需求. 基于HHNEC 0.18 μm SiGe BiCMOS工艺,采用新型电容补偿结构设计6位步进式数字衰减电路,该衰减器通过6位数控开关实现64种衰减状态,衰减步进0.5 dB,衰减范围0~31.5 dB. 仿真结果表明,在0~21 GHz工作频带内衰减误差均方根小于0.23 dB,附加相移均方根小于4.38°,插入损耗最大为?11.05 dB,最小为?4 dB,中心频率处1 dB压缩点17.3 dBm,核心电路版图面积0.86 mm×0.2 mm.
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