Simplification method and application of thermal model of forced air cooling system for power electronic device |
Hong-yi LIN( ),Xiao GUO,Liang WU,Guo-zhu CHEN*( ) |
College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China |
Abstract The accurate thermal model of the typical forced air cooling system was proposed based on the theory of heat conduction, fluid heat transfer and fluid mechanics in order to improve the design efficiency of thermal design. A simplified thermal model was proposed based on the accurate thermal model. The forced air cooling system can be quickly and accurately designed by the simplified thermal model. The simplified thermal model with the advantages of small calculation amount and high design efficiency was applied to the thermal design of 380 V/50 kVar SiC-MOSFET static var generator (SVG). The surface temperature rise error of the SVG heatsink designed by the simplified model was 4.1 ℃ (full load condition), which meeted the requirements of engineering design.
Received: 13 July 2020
Published: 30 July 2021
Fund: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51777186) |
Corresponding Authors:
Guo-zhu CHEN
E-mail: lhy2007.11@qq.com;gzchen@zju.edu.cn
为了提高热设计的设计效率,基于热传导、流体换热、流体力学理论,对典型强迫风冷散热系统进行精确建模,对精确模型进行简化方法的研究. 使用该简化热模型,可以对强迫风冷散热系统进行快速、准确的设计. 采用该简化热模型设计的380 V/50 kVar SiC-MOSFET静止无功补偿器(SVG)的工业化样机,散热器表面温升误差为4.1 ℃(满载条件),满足工程化设计的要求.
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