Research overview on touchdown detection methods for footed robots |
Xiaoyong JIANG1,2( ),Kaijian YING1,Qiwei WU1,Xuan WEI1 |
1. School of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou 310000, China 2. School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract The effects of leg structure design, foot-end design and sensor design on touchdown detection were comprehensively discussed by analyzing the existing legged robot touchdown detection methods. The touchdown method for direct detection of external sensors, the touchdown detection method based on kinematics and dynamics, and the touchdown detection method based on learning were summarized. Touchdown detection methods were summarized in three special scenarios: slippery ground, soft ground, and non-foot-end contact. The application scenarios of touchdown detection technology were analyzed, including the three application scenarios of motion control requirements, navigation applications, and terrain and geological sensing. The development trends were pointed out, which related to the four major touchdown detection methods of hardware improvement and integration, multi-mode touchdown detection, multi-sensor fusion touchdown detection, and intelligent touchdown detection. The specific relationships between various touchdown detection algorithms were summarized, which provided guidance for the development of follow-up technology for touchdown detection and specific applications of touchdown detection.
Received: 06 July 2023
Published: 23 January 2024
Fund: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51675480) |
基于现有足式机器人触地检测方法的研究,综合论述了腿部结构设计、足端设计、传感器设计对触地检测的影响. 总结外部传感器直接检测的触地检测方法、基于运动学与动力学的触地检测方法以及基于学习的触地检测方法. 归纳地面湿滑、地面松软以及非足端触地这3种特殊场景中的触地检测方法. 分析触地检测技术的应用场景,具体包括运动控制的需要、导航中的应用、地形与地质的感知这三大应用场景. 指出硬件改进和集成、多模态触地检测、多传感器融合化触地检测以及智能化触地检测这四大触地检测方法相关的发展趋势,总结各触地检测算法之间的具体关联,为触地检测后续技术的发展及触地检测的具体应用提供指导.
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