Straight-line path tracking control algorithm of AUV planar motion |
Meng-jia YE1,2(),Yu-xuan WANG2,Yun WANG2,Zhou-nian LAI3,Lin-lin CAO2,Da-zhuan WU1,2,*() |
1. State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China 2. College of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China 3. Institute of Huzhou, Zhejiang University, Huzhou 313000, China |
Abstract A path tracking control algorithm based on the dual closed-loop motion control of heading and speed was designed to solve the overshoot of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) in the plane straight-line path tracking problem. The tracking algorithm followed the line-of-sight (LOS) guidance law. The design of the time-varying forward-looking distance was selected to increase the maneuverability of AUV. The first-order inertial filter was used to suppress the step change of the expected heading angle. The control algorithm adopted anti-integral saturation PID control and the parameter self-adaptation were adopted to increase the robustness of the control algorithm. The heading and speed control was designed as a double closed-loop to adjust the AUV speed according to the distance deviation from the end of the desired path. The results show that the path tracking control algorithm adjusts the real-time speed according to the distance deviation, which makes the AUV decelerate in advance and turns at low speed, the anti-integral saturation avoids the speed overshoot and the parameter is adaptive for the variety of condition. The AUV accurately tracks the desired path with a maximum deviation of less than 1.0 m and the tracking overshoot effectively reduces at large turning angles.
Received: 26 November 2021
Published: 02 December 2022
Fund: 流体动力与机电系统国家重点实验室主任基金资助项目 |
Corresponding Authors:
Da-zhuan WU
E-mail: mengjia_ye@zju.edu.cn;wudazhuan@zju.edu.cn
针对自主水下航行器(AUV)在平面直线航迹跟踪过程中的航迹超调问题,设计基于航向航速双闭环运动控制的航迹跟踪控制算法. 跟踪算法以视线导引法(LOS)为基础,设计时变前视距离提高AUV的机动性,并以一阶惯性滤波抑制因航向切换产生期望航向角的阶跃变化. 控制算法采用抗积分饱和PID控制及参数自适应,以增加算法的鲁棒性,并将航向航速控制设计成双闭环,使得 AUV航行时期望航迹段终点的距离偏差实时调整期望航速. 结果表明,此航迹跟踪控制算法根据距离偏差调节实时航速,可使AUV提前减速以低速转向,抗积分饱和可避免航速超调,参数自适应以适应多种航行工况. AUV能准确跟踪期望航迹,最大航迹偏差小于1.0 m,并且大角度转向时可有效减小航迹超调.
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