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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2022, Vol. 56 Issue (9): 1882-1890    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2022.09.022
Redundancy resolution of hydraulic manipulators based on minimum-flow
Ru-qi DING1,2(),Wang-du LI1,2,Gang LI1,2,*(),Guo-liang HU1,2
1. Key Laboratory of Conveyance and Equipment, Ministry of Education, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, China
2. Nanchang Key Laboratory of Vehicle Intelligent Equipment and Control, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, China
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A redundant resolution method of hydraulic manipulator with minimum-flow was proposed, aiming at the energy optimization problem of the redundant hydraulic manipulator with a preset trajectory. Firstly, the kinematic equations of the hydraulic manipulator were built by the Denavit-Hartenberg method, which maps the end-effector velocity to the hydraulic cylinder velocity, and establishes the energy consumption model of the system. Secondly, the energy suboptimal redundancy resolution was solved based on the minimum cylinder speed norm method to partially reduce the energy consumption. On this basis, taking the minimum flow of the hydraulic system as the objective, the redundant resolution of energy optimization was further solved by optimizing the weighted Jacobian matrix. Thirdly, to improve the computational efficiency, a dynamic optimization method of weighted Jacobian matrix weights was proposed, and the energy-optimal motion planning of the redundant hydraulic manipulators was captured online. Finally, the experimental verification was carried out on the developed hydraulic manipulator test platform. Experimental results of three joint planar motions showed that compared with the existing gradient projection method and the minimum cylinder speed norm method, the energy consumption of the same end-effector trajectory motion was reduced by more than 5%.

Key wordshydraulic manipulator      motion planning      redundancy resolution      dynamic-weight      energy saving     
Received: 01 November 2021      Published: 28 September 2022
CLC:  TH 137.9  
Fund:  国家自然科学基金资助项目(52175050, U21A20124);江西省自然科学基金资助项目(20212ACB214004);中国博士后科学基金资助项目(2020M671349)
Corresponding Authors: Gang LI     E-mail:;
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Ru-qi DING,Wang-du LI,Gang LI,Guo-liang HU. Redundancy resolution of hydraulic manipulators based on minimum-flow. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(9): 1882-1890.

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针对冗余液压机械臂预设轨迹下的能量优化问题,提出基于最小流量的液压机械臂冗余分解方法. 采用D-H参数法推导液压机械臂的运动学方程,构建末端速度与液压缸缸速的映射,建立系统能耗模型. 基于最小缸速范数法求解能量次优的冗余分解以部分降低能耗. 以液压系统流量最小为目标,通过优化加权雅可比矩阵求解能量最优的冗余分解. 为了提高计算效率,提出加权雅可比矩阵权值的动态优化方法,实现在线最优运动规划. 在研制的液压机械臂试验平台对冗余分解方法进行试验验证. 三关节平面运动试验结果表明,相比于现有梯度投影法和最小缸速范数法,所提最小流量优化方法相同末端轨迹的运动能耗降低超过5%.

关键词: 液压机械臂,  运动规划,  冗余分解,  动态权值,  节能 
Fig.1 Joint limit function graph of redundancy resolution
Fig.2 Solution flow chart of minimum-flow optimization
Fig.3 Schematic diagram of mechanism of redundant hydraulic robotic arm study
Fig.4 Geometric relationship of each joint on hydraulic manipulator
i L/m d/mm $ {\beta _{i1}}{\text{/(o)}} $ $ {\beta _{i2}}{\text{/(o)}} $
1 0.875 63 7.16 5.10
2 0.360 63 18.30 161.14
3 0.740 45 9.69 90
Tab.1 Structure parameters of hydraulic manipulator in case study
Fig.5 Experimental end-effector triangular trajectory
Fig.6 Comparisons of planned joint angles among different redundancy resolution methods under triangle trajectory
Fig.7 Experimental end-effector ellipse trajectory
Fig.8 Comparisons of planned joint angles among different redundancy resolution methods under elliptic trajectory
Fig.9 Developed test rig of redundant hydraulic manipulator and its control system
Fig.10 Comparisons of tested joint angles among different redundancy resolution methods under different trajectories
Fig.11 Comparisons of end-effector trajectories among different redundancy resolution methods under different trajectories
Fig.12 Comparisons of system flows among different redundancy resolution methods under different trajectories
算法 Ec,t Ec,e
理论 试验 理论 试验
MF 10.17 11.39 15.76 16.84
MAVN 11.17 12.00 16.65 17.74
GP 11.21 12.04 16.68 17.78
平均节能 7.2% 5.1% 7.4% 5.3%
Tab.2 Comparison of energy consumption in different trajectory theory calculations and experimental verification
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