Design and control of compound driven two-finger flexible manipulator |
Quan-hui WU1,2( ),Xu-hui SHAO1,2,Bai-song PAN1,2,*( ),Luo-jie SHI1,2 |
1. Key Laboratory of Special Purpose Equipment and Advanced Processing Technology, Ministry of Education and Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310032, China 2. College of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310032, China |
Abstract In order to meet the grasping requirements of complex target parts with complex shapes, diverse physical properties, and different sizes in the industrial field, the imitating human finger joints and two finger fit grasping principles were used, and a two finger flexible manipulator was designed to realize the grasping target parts and achieve the state of envelope fitting. Firstly, the structural characteristics of the target part contour were analyzed. Secondly, the grasping contour characteristics were extracted to obtain the structural motion principle of the flexible manipulator. According to the motion principle of the flexible manipulator, the mathematical modeling and simulation analysis of the envelope clamping process were carried out. Finally, the platform was built to verify the flexible manipulator performance. The manipulator is composed of flexible mechanical fingers, driving parts and position compensation mechanism, which can realize the adaptive grasping of cylinder, cone and cuboid parts, and has high grasping reliability and stability.
Received: 11 September 2021
Published: 28 September 2022
Fund: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51475425);浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(LQ20E050021);浙江省科技计划资助项目(2021C01097) |
Corresponding Authors:
Bai-song PAN
E-mail: wuqh@zjut.edu.cn;panbsz@zjut.edu.cn
为了满足工业领域中形状多变、物性多样、尺寸不一的复杂目标件抓取需求,模仿人手指关节并依据双指贴合抓取原理,设计达到包络贴合状态的双指柔性机械手. 分析目标件外形轮廓的结构特点,提取目标件轮廓的抓取特征,获得柔性机械手的结构运动原理.根据柔性机械手运动原理,进行目标件包络夹取过程的数学建模与仿真分析, 搭建平台验证柔性机械手的性能.该机械手由柔性机械手指、驱动部件和位置补偿机构组成,可以实现圆柱体、圆锥件、长方体类零件的适应性抓取,具有较高的抓取可靠性与稳定性.
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