Semi-supervised learning segmentation method of liver CT images based on 3D scSE-UNet |
Qing-qing LIU1,2( ),Zhi-yong ZHOU2,Guo-hua FAN3,Xu-sheng QIAN1,2,Ji-su HU1,2,Guang-qiang CHEN3,Ya-kang DAI2,4,*( ) |
1. School of Biomedical Engineering (Suzhou), Division of Life Sciences and Medicine, University of Science and Technology of China, Suzhou 215163, China 2. Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Chinese Academy of Science, Suzhou 215163, China 3. The Second Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University, Suzhou 215000, China 4. Jinan Guoke Medical Engineering Technology Development Limited Company, Jinan 250000, China |
Abstract A semi-supervised learning segmentation method based on 3D scSE-UNet was proposed aiming at the problem that segmentation network requires a large number of high-quality labels and it is difficult to obtain. A self-training semi-supervised learning framework is used and 3D scSE-UNet containing the improved concurrent spatial and channel squeeze and excitation module (scSE-block+) in 3D UNet is utilized as the segmentation network. The scSE-block+ can automatically learn effective features of an image from two aspects, image space and feature channel, and suppress redundant features, which helps to preserve more edge information. During the self-training process, dense conditional random field (CRF) is used to refine the segmentation results generated by 3D scSE-UNet, so as to improve the accuracy of the pseudo labels. The effectiveness of the proposed method was verified on LiTS17 Challenge and SLIVER07 dataset. When the labeled images accounted for 30% of the total images in the training set, the dice score of the proposed method was 0.941. Results show that the proposed semi-supervised learning segmentation method can achieve comparable segmentation results with the fully-supervised 3D UNet segmentation method, which effectively reduces the dependence on expert labeled data in liver CT images segmentation.
Received: 11 December 2020
Published: 05 November 2021
Fund: 国家重点研发计划资助项目(2018YFA0703101);中国科学院青年创新促进会资助项目(2021324);苏州市科技计划资助项目(SS201854);丽水市重点研发计划资助项目(2019ZDYF17);泉城5150人才计划资助项目;济南创新团队资助项目(2018GXRC017);江苏省医疗器械联合资金资助项目(SYC2020002) |
Corresponding Authors:
Ya-kang DAI
E-mail: 17865198623@163.com;daiyk@sibet.ac.cn
基于3D scSE-UNet的肝脏CT图像半监督学习分割方法
针对分割神经网络需要大量的高质量标签但较难获取的问题,提出基于3D scSE-UNet的半监督学习分割方法. 该方法使用自训练的半监督学习框架,将包含改进的并行空间/特征通道压缩和激励模块(scSE-block+)的3D scSE-UNet作为分割网络. scSE-block+可以从图像空间和特征通道2个方面自动学习图像的有效特征,抑制无用冗余特征,更好地保留图像边缘信息. 在自训练过程中加入全连接条件随机场,对分割网络产生的伪标签进行边缘细化,提升伪标签的精确度. 在LiTS17 Challenge和SLIVER07数据集上验证所提出方法的有效性. 当有标签图像占训练集总图像的30%时,所提方法的Dice相似系数(dice score)为0.941. 结果表明,所提出的半监督学习分割方法可以在仅使用少量标注数据的情况下,取得与全监督分割方法相当的分割效果,有效减轻肝脏CT图像分割对专家标注数据的依赖.
3D UNet,
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