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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2020, Vol. 54 Issue (7): 1362-1368    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2020.07.015
Dimensionless material cost model of media gas-gas heat exchangers
Kai HUANG1,2(),Zhi-jian SUN1,2,*(),Wen-ying QIAN1,2,Ji-hu YANG1,2,Zi-tao YU1,3,Ya-cai HU1
1. Institute of Thermal Science and Power Systems, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
2. Key Laboratory of Refrigeration and Cryogenic Technology of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
3. State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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An annual cost of heat exchanges materials was taken as the objective function based on the heat exchanger design theory and the material cost calculation method theory of engineering cost in order to optimize the design of media gas-gas heat exchangers (MGGH). The annual cost of heat exchangers materials, specific cost performance of materials, dimensionless cost of materials and other four dimensionless temperature numbers were defined. The MGGH cost model and dimensionless cost model were established. Two methods to solve the two models were given: the analytical method and iterative method. The iterative method was applied to optimize the design parameters of a typical MGGH in a power plant. The materials selection scheme and the optimized design parameters scheme were given. The cost of the MGGH was theoretically reduced by about 5% after optimization. A group of dimensionless relationship graphs of MGGH under several working conditions was obtained. The error between the value obtained by referring to those graphs and the theoretical calculation value was less than 5%.

Key wordscost model      media gas-gas heat exchanger (MGGH)      design calculation      optimization design      iterative calculation      waste heat utilization     
Received: 03 July 2019      Published: 05 July 2020
CLC:  TK 09  
Corresponding Authors: Zhi-jian SUN     E-mail:;
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Kai HUANG,Zhi-jian SUN,Wen-ying QIAN,Ji-hu YANG,Zi-tao YU,Ya-cai HU. Dimensionless material cost model of media gas-gas heat exchangers. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2020, 54(7): 1362-1368.

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为了优化中间介质型烟气换热器(MGGH)的设计,以换热材料年成本为目标函数,基于换热器设计理论和工程造价理论中的材料成本计算方法,定义换热材料年成本、比性能价格、无量纲材料成本及其他相关的4个无量纲量温度,建立中间介质型烟气换热器成本模型及无量纲成本模型,给出求解该模型的解析法和迭代法. 通过迭代计算求解某电厂中间介质型烟气换热器的设计参数,给出材料选择方案和优化设计方案,优化前后中间介质型烟气换热器的成本理论上约降低5%. 计算得到几种工况下MGGH无量纲关系图,查阅该表所得值与理论计算值误差小于5%.

关键词: 成本模型,  中间介质型换热器(MGGH),  设计计算,  优化设计,  迭代计算,  余热利用 
Fig.1 Working principle of MGGH
Fig.2 Process for solving optimal dimensionless cost F
参数 设计值
烟气冷却器入口烟气体积流量/(m3·h?1) 1 874 000
烟气冷却器入口烟气温度/℃ 158
烟气冷却器出口烟气温度/℃ 95
烟气冷却器个数 2
烟气再热器入口烟气体积流量/(m3·h?1) 1600 000
烟气再热器入口烟气温度/℃ 30
烟气再热器出口烟气温度/℃ 80
烟气再热器个数 1
热段入口中间媒介温度/℃ 70
热段出口中间媒介温度/℃ 100
双H型鳍片管直径/mm 38
壁厚/mm 5
Tab.1 Main design technical parameters of MGGH
换热管材料 价格/(万元·t?1 使用寿命/a (W·A)heater
Corten-A 0.52 2.5 0.2080
ND 0.65 4 0.1625
316L 3 10 0.3000
Tab.2 Service life and annual cost of heat exchanger pipes in gas heater
换热管材料 使用寿命/a (W·A)cooler
Corten-A 6.36 0.08176
ND 7.07 0.09194
316L 7.06 0.42490
Tab.3 Minimum theorical service life and annual cost of heat exchanger in gas cooler
Fig.3 Dimensional cost relationship diagram for several given working conditions
Fig.4 Dimensionless parameter relationship graphs of MGGH under different specific performance prices
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