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JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE)  2017, Vol. 51 Issue (12): 2459-2465    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2017.12.020
Chemical Engineering, Control Engineering     
Dynamic pollutant concentration correction method for river sudden pollution
LIU Jing-ming, HUANG Ping-jie, HOU Di-bo, ZHANG Guang-xin, ZHANG Hong-jian
State Key Laboratory of Industrial Control Technology, College of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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A dynamic pollutant concentration correction forecasting method for sudden pollution accidents in rivers was explored, in order to reduce the influence of sudden pollution accidents and predict pollutant concentrations in the downstream accurately and timely. The one-dimensional water quality model, Kalman filter algorithm and improved grid optimization algorithm were investigated considering the influence of tributaries. An improved grid optimization algorithm using the historical monitoring data was developed to correct the model parameters; the state equation based on one-dimensional water quality model was established; the Kalman filter algorithm was developed to correct the predicted concentration based on the updated observed data considering the influence of tributaries. On the basis of theoretical research, experiments based on the wave flume were set up to simulate the dispersion of pollutants, and to analyze peak time, peak concentrations and the relative errors of different predict methods. Theoretical and experimental results show that the relative errors of predicted peak-time values are at similar levels by different prediction algorithms; the dynamic correction forecasting method contributes to improve the prediction accuracy and promote the prediction capability of algorithms.

Received: 09 August 2016      Published: 22 November 2017
CLC:  TP206  
Cite this article:

LIU Jing-ming, HUANG Ping-jie, HOU Di-bo, ZHANG Guang-xin, ZHANG Hong-jian. Dynamic pollutant concentration correction method for river sudden pollution. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 2017, 51(12): 2459-2465.

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