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JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE)  2017, Vol. 51 Issue (10): 1928-1936    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2017.10.006
Mechanical and Energy Engineering     
Theoretical calculation and analysis on friction torque in RV reducer main bearing
YU Dong, ZHANG Jin-hua, WANG Dong-feng, LI Xiao-hu, HONG Jun
State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China
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A theoretical method to calculate the friction torque of the RV reducer main bearing was presented aiming at the problem that the RV reducer precision running requires low friction torque. The more accurate location of the pure rolling lines in the contact and friction torque calculation formula was derived based on the works of Luc Houpert and the quasi static analysis which adopted the D' Alembert principle. The properties of friction torque of H76/182 RV reducer main bearing were analyzed. Results showed that the total friction torque of bearing increased with a larger difference between inner and outer groove curvature coefficient. The increase of the curvature coefficient will lead to the decrease of the total friction torque. Change rules of friction torques of the different groove curvature coefficient were qualitatively analyzed. The friction torque calculation model was verified by experiments. The experimental results were compared with the SKF empirical formula and the Luc Houpert calculation method. The proposed friction torque calculation formula was more accurate and closer to the experimental results than the other two calculation formula.

Received: 22 February 2017      Published: 27 September 2017
CLC:  TH133  
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YU Dong, ZHANG Jin-hua, WANG Dong-feng, LI Xiao-hu, HONG Jun. Theoretical calculation and analysis on friction torque in RV reducer main bearing. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 2017, 51(10): 1928-1936.

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针对RV减速器的精密运转工况而要求低摩擦力矩的问题,在Luc Houpert工作的基础上,通过基于达朗贝尔原理的拟静力学模型,重新推导了更准确的轴承接触椭圆内纯滚动线位置与摩擦力矩的求解方程,给出更准确的基于纯滚动线位置的摩擦力矩计算公式.对型号为H76/182的RV减速器主轴承的摩擦力矩的特性进行理论计算分析.从结论可知,轴承的总摩擦力矩随着内、外沟曲率系数的差值的增大而增大,沟曲率系数的增大会导致轴承总摩擦力矩的减小.对不同沟曲率系数下摩擦力矩的变化进行定性分析.对得到的RV减速器主轴承的摩擦力矩计算结果与采用SKF、Luc Houpert方法得到的结果进行比较与实验验证.结果显示,提出的摩擦力矩计算公式更加接近摩擦力矩试验机的测量结果,计算结果更精确.

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