Simulation and analysis on leakage and explosion of high pressure hydrogen in hydrogen refueling station |
LI Jing-yuan, ZHAO Yong-zhi, ZHENG Jin-yang |
Institute of Process Equipment, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China |
Abstract FLACS software based on computational fluid dynamics approach was used for simulation and analysis on the leakage and explosion of high pressure hydrogen storage cylinder in the Shanghai World Expo hydrogen refueling station. The effect of wind speed was analyzed. The whole process of leakage and explosion accident was successfully simulated by FLACS, and the real time three-dimensional display of over-pressure wave was given. Results showed that the explosion intension significantly increased when congestion of obstacle region and wind speed increased. Hazard distance first decreased and then increased when the wind speed increased. The calculation value of hazard distance obtained by empirical formula was slightly higher than the simulation results.
Published: 10 September 2015
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