Low power, wireless, wrist-worn device for HR monitoring based on double channels of pulse sensing |
ZHOU Cong-cong1, TU Chun-long1, GAO Yun1, WANG Fei-xiang1, HE Cheng1, GONG Hong-wei2, LIAN Ping2, YE Xue-song1,3 |
1. Department of Biomedical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; 2. No. 85 Hospital of People’s Liberation Army, Shanghai 200052, China; 3. Cyrus Tang Center for Sensor Materials and Applications, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract A new low-power wrist-worn miniature device used for real-time wireless heart rate (HR) monitoring was presented. A novel pulse signal detection method based on double channels of pulse sensing of the radial artery and ulnar artery as well as their differential signal was proposed. A miniature device consisting of sensors, signal condition system was fabricated. The micro-controller is responsible for power administration, and calculation of auto gain control algorithm and heart rate algorithms. The average currents are about 10 μA and 300 μA in standby and active modes, respectively. Ten male subjects were selected to test the performance of the device through a three-hour continuous test in their resting condition with the reference of a Holter monitor. The HR of the device was compared with the HR from the ECG signal recorded by the Holter monitor. The experimental results indicate that the arithmetical average error is about 0.3 BPM.
Published: 01 April 2015
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ZHOU Cong-cong, TU Chun-long, GAO Yun, WANG Fei-xiang, HE Cheng, GONG Hong-wei, LIAN Ping, YE Xue-song. Low power, wireless, wrist-worn device for HR monitoring based on double channels of pulse sensing. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 2015, 49(4): 798-806.
http://www.zjujournals.com/eng/10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2015.04.027 OR http://www.zjujournals.com/eng/Y2015/V49/I4/798
研制新型的基于双通道脉搏传感的腕戴式无线低功耗心率实时监测装置.根据人体腕部生理解剖的特点,提出桡动脉、尺动脉双通道脉搏波及差分信号同步检测的新方法.研制了集传感器、调理电路、微处理器、通讯、自动增益算法和心率算法等软、硬件部件于一体的小型化装置.电路系统测试表明:在待机和工作模式下的平均工作电流分别约为10和300 μA;对10名男性在休憩状态下的心率进行3 h的连续动态监测,将测试结果与标准动态心电图记录的数据进行比较,结果表明,心率测量的算术平均误差约为0.3 BPM.
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