Non-isolated DC/DC converters capable of continuous input and output current flows |
WEI Tao, HU Hai-bing, LU Dao-rong, WU Hong-fei |
Department of Electrical Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China |
Abstract Non-isolated converters capable of continuous input and output current flows were proposed for the application of spacecraft power system. The converters have the characteristics of low input and output current ripple, which can significantly reduce the capacity of the input and output capacitors and are very suitable for spacecraft applications. Based on the analysis of the conventional non-isolated topology and the principle of continuous inductor current flow, topologies and switching units were proposed having both input and output currents flowing continuously through configuring switching units. A family of non-isolated converters was derived by combining these switching units and rotating their terminals. The derivation and the topological analysis were presented. One of the proposed topologies was given as an example and verified by simulation and an experimental prototype, which indicates that the topology can achieve the characteristic of continuous input and output currents.
Published: 01 October 2014
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