Dynamic wind load combination of tall buildings based on Copula functions |
TU Zhi-bin, HUANG Ming-feng, LOU Wen-juan |
1. Institute of Structural Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract Based on Copula functions a dynamic wind load combination method was developed to achieve more economical wind-resistance structural designs of tall buildings. The joint probability density functions (JPDF) of wind load components were constructed by making use of the wind tunnel data derived from the high frequency force balance (HFFB) test for a high-rise building. The correlations and combination effects of two wind load components were quantified with the condition that one of those reaches its maximum. The worst envelope of load combinations were also determined from the wind load combination results under all incident wind directions, and could be used as design wind loads. The design wind loads generated by the proposed method have a pre-assigned non-exceedance probability and could result in not only safe but more economical design for tall buildings against wind hazards.
Published: 01 August 2014
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