Application of response surface methodology on optimizing mixture ratio of composite curing agent used to improve organic matter soil stabilization |
LI Xue-gang1,2, XU Ri-qing1,2, CHANG Shuai1,2, LIAO Bin1,2, WANG Xing-chen1,2 |
1.Research Center of Coastal and Urban Geotechnical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310058, China;
2.Key Laboratory of Soft Soils and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Ministry of Education,
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310058,China; |
Abstract To improve the effect of cement stabilizing organic matter soil and produce a kind of composite curing agent that is used to stabilize soft soil specially, gypsum, calcium oxide, sodium carbonate, FDN, sodium silicate, and triethanolamine were selected as six kinds of additives to improve the stabilization of organic matter soil considering the following five aspects: the choice of appropriate mineral filler, decrease of soil electrical double layer thickness, increase of soil PH value, enhancement of the early strength, and improvement of the activity between cement ion and clay particle. Since the content of every additive is a factor of impacting cement-soil strength and the growth rate of unconfined compressive strength is regard as response value, response surface methodology can be used to optimize the mixture ratio of the additives and analyze the interaction effect among the factors. The result shows that linear effect of gypsum, sodium carbonate, sodium silicate, and triethanolamine on the growth rate of strength are all obvious, and interaction effects between calcium oxide and sodium carbonate, FDN and sodium silicate, sodium silicate and triethanolamine are all obvious. Once humic acid content is 6%, cement content is 15%, the optimal mixture ratio of composite curing agent can be determined as follows: gypsum content=4.85%, calcium oxide content=3.79%, sodium carbonate content=1.42%, FDN content=1.99%, sodium silicate content=5.06% and triethanolamine content=0.08%. On this occasion, the strength of stabilize soil is 1003kPa
Published: 26 November 2014
为了改善水泥固化有机质软土的效果,配制出一种专门固化有机质软土的高效复合固化剂,从选择合适的矿物填料,减薄土壤双电层的厚度,提高土壤PH值,增强早期强度,调节水泥离子和黏土颗粒的活性等5个方面选定生石膏,生石灰,碳酸钠,FDN,水玻璃,三乙醇胺等6种添加剂来改善有机质软土的固化.将6种添加剂的质量分数作为影响固化土强度的6个因子,7 d龄期的无侧限抗压强度增长率作为响应值,利用响应面法来对添加剂进行优选和配方研究,并考察各影响因子的交互作用规律.结果表明:生石膏,碳酸钠,水玻璃和三乙醇胺对固化土强度增长率的线性效应明显;6种因子对强度增长率的曲面效应都明显;而生石灰和碳酸钠,FDN和水玻璃,以及水玻璃和三乙醇胺对强度增长率有交互作用的影响.最终得出,在腐植酸质量分数为6%,水泥质量与土样质量比为15%的前提下,复合固化剂配方为生石膏质量分数为4.85%,生石灰质量分数为3.79%,碳酸钠质量分数为1.42%,FDN质量分数为1.99%,水玻璃质量分数为5.06%,三乙醇胺质量分数为008%,此时固化土7 d的强度可以达到1 003 kPa.
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