Model reference adaptive control system design of localizer |
FANG Qiang1, CHEN Li-peng2, FEI Shao-hua1, LIANG Qing-xiao3, LI Wei-ping3, ZHAO Jin-feng3 |
1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; 2.Wuhan Marine Machinery Plant Limited Company, Wuhan 430084, China; 3. Aviation Industry Corporation of China Xi’an Aircraft Industry (Group) Limited Company, Xi’an 710089, China |
Abstract In the airplane large component pose adjusting system, unbalanced load distribution of large components between three-coordinate localizers can cause systemic uncertainties of the control system, which results in the decrease of dynamic and static position precision. In order to eliminate the negative impact of systemic uncertainties, a close loop servo system based on model reference adaptive control (MRAC) designed for three-coordinate localizer was present. Firstly, the model of signal motion axis was built to get a priori knowledge of the control object. Then the control law and the adaptive law were acquired by Lyapunov method, and the matrixes related to the adaptive law were also chosen properly. In order to suppress the interference of the error vibrations to the position precision, a Butterworth filter was added to the position servo system. The experimental results show that: the new servo control system can eliminate the uncertainties effectively, and also has excellent dynamic response, with the dynamic position error not exceeding 0.05 mm and the static position error is zero.
Published: 01 December 2013
为了消除飞机大部件调姿系统中大部件质量难以在定位器间均衡分配引起的定位器位置伺服控制的不确定性,提出基于模型参考自适应控制的闭环位置伺服控制系统.在控制系统的设计中,根据李雅普诺夫稳定理论求解控制律和自适应律,确定自适应律算法所涉及矩阵的类型.为避免激发系统的高频未建模动态,引入低通滤波器,以保证运动的平稳性和准确性.实验结果证明:基于模型参考自适应控制的伺服系统可以在定位器负载发生变化时保持控制系统性能的一致性,保证动态误差在0~0.05 mm,稳态误差为零.
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