A novel free-surface vortex identification method |
JIANG Jun,TANG Ren-zhong,LI Pei-yu |
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China |
Abstract In order to solve the existing problems within identification of free-surface vortex, such as low accuracy, large computation and poor availability, a novel free-surface vortex identification method was proposed. This method established a real-time free-surface vortex identification system which based on image recognition technology, and realized image acquisition, sampling, processing and vortex identification. To address the difficulties of vortex identification in this system, a proper vortex identification and location within two-dimensional image approach was put forward. This approach using the local symmetry of the vortex image, analyzed the direction of streamlines around vortex field in image, calculated the corresponding angle value by improved winding angle method, and ultimately achieved to recognize free-surface vortex and find vortex core. Experiments show that this method has not only a high recognition speed and accuracy, but also well-behaved stability and effectiveness.
Published: 01 May 2012
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