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J4  2012, Vol. 46 Issue (4): 756-763    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2012.04.027
Mineral distribution of industry blended coal powder
HAO Juan, ZHANG Hong, CHEN Jia-bao, LI Ya-nan
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China
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The industry blended coal powders were sampled from Guangxi Huahong (HH), Guangxi Huarun (HR), Jiangxi Wannianqing (WNQ), Shanxi Weidun (WD) and Wuhu Digang (DG) new dry cement plants. The distribution rule of minerals in blended coal powders was analyzed with the methods of proximate analysis, float-sink, laser particle size analyzer and petrographic analysis. Results showed that the ash of all of the coal samples decreased with the increase of the particle size. The separation of coal and minerals was obvious in the blended powders, among which HH, HR, WNQ and DG coal samples showed the better grade effect, and WD coal sample was poor effect. In all coal samples higher density fractions decreased with the increase of the particle size, the content of external mineral decreased with increasing particle size, and the change of ash with particle size was mainly controlled by the mass fraction of higher density fraction. In the range of test density fraction and size fraction, the yield of fines was higher in the high density and fine size fractions of HH, HR, WNQ and WD coal samples, while the fines yield was higher in the low density fraction of DG coal samples.

Published: 17 May 2012
CLC:  TQ 530  
Cite this article:

HAO Juan, ZHANG Hong, CHEN Jia-bao, LI Ya-nan. Mineral distribution of industry blended coal powder. J4, 2012, 46(4): 756-763.

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