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J4  2012, Vol. 46 Issue (4): 749-755    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2012.04.026
Simulation and analysis of fixed-bed reactor for
hydrochlorination of acetylene
CHEN Jing, CHENG Dang-guo, CHEN Feng-qiu
Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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A two-dimensional pseudo-homogeneous dispersion model was employed according to the reaction kinetics and analysis of commercial reactor in order to describe and evaluate the operation conditions of industrial fixed-bed reactor for hydrochlorination of acetylene. The Crank-Nicholson method was used with experiential data from pilot-scale reactor in order to solve the equations. Results showed that the simulation results accorded well with the industrial data. Simulation results showed that the space velocity of acetylene and catalyst performance greatly influenced the distribution of reactor temperature and products when the catalyst activity was low. An expression of the optimum space velocity of acetylene can be deduced by considering the relationship between the space velocity of acetylene and the catalyst activity. The tube wall temperature 98 ℃ and tube size 51 mm×3.5 mm is rational at present use by simulation.

Published: 17 May 2012
CLC:  TQ 021.8  
Cite this article:

CHEN Jing, CHENG Dang-guo, CHEN Feng-qiu. Simulation and analysis of fixed-bed reactor for
hydrochlorination of acetylene. J4, 2012, 46(4): 749-755.

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根据对乙炔氢氯化反应动力学以及工业装置实际运行状况的分析,建立固定床反应器拟均相二维有效扩散数学模型.结合中试经验数据,采用Crank-Nicholson方法求解方程并对工业固定床反应器进行模拟计算.模拟结果显示,计算所得固定床内温度和转化率分布与工业数据相符.利用模型计算结果分析发现,当催化剂活性水平较低时,乙炔空速和催化剂活性对反应结果有较大影响,将两者进行关联,可以建立不同催化剂活性水平下的最佳乙炔空速计算公式.通过对工业条件下不同管壁温度和不同反应管尺寸的模拟分析,可知现在工业上设置的管壁温度98 ℃和反应管尺寸51 mm×3.5 mm都是合理的.

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