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J4  2012, Vol. 46 Issue (2): 274-279    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2012.02.015
Automatic hexahedral mesh generation for many-to-one sweep volumes
CHEN Jian-jun1, XIAO Zhou-fang1, Cao Jian1, ZHU Chao-yan1,2, ZHENG Yao1
1. Center for Engineering and Scientific Computations, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310027, China; 2. Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University, Ningbo 315100, China
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By means of virtual decomposition, a sweep volume with many sources and one target (many-to-one sweep volume) is automatically decomposed into several sub-volumes with only one source and one target (one-to-one sweep volume). Some artificial interfaces, called virtual surfaces, are automatically generated in the virtual decomposition process to seperate the neighboring sub-volumes. All the virtual surfaces are meshed by the projection method once before meshing the sub-volumes in order to maintain the conformity of the neighboring sub-volume meshes. For sub-volume mesh generation, how to locate interior nodes is the key, which is resolved by the affine mapping method. A new computing technique for the mapping function is proposed in this paper in order to overcome two drawbacks of the previous ones. One is that the mapping function is not unique when the boundary nodes of the source are coplanar. The other is that the interior elements may twist when the volume is composed of the curved source, target and sweeping path. It is demonstrated that the new location algorithm performs better than the other prevailing algorithms in terms of mesh quality and time efficiency. Finally, a comparison between the proposed hexahedral mesher and one commercial one is presented to verify the usability of the former.

Published: 20 March 2012
CLC:  O 242.21  
Cite this article:

CHEN Jian-jun, XIAO Zhou-fang, Cao Jian, ZHU Chao-yan, ZHENG Yao. Automatic hexahedral mesh generation for many-to-one sweep volumes. J4, 2012, 46(2): 274-279.

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