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J4  2012, Vol. 46 Issue (2): 269-273    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2012.02.014
Self-excited oscillation analysis of a taut cable under wind loading
YING Zu-guang, WANG Jian-wen
Department of Mechanics, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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 The fluid-flow-induced cable vibration is an active research subject in structural engineering and has practical importance for structural improvement and vibration control. To study the characteristics of the selfexcited oscillation of an inclined taut cable with multivibration modes under wind loading and to obtain the analytical expression of the critical wind velocity, the nonlinear differential equations of motion were derived for the wind-induced vibration of the cable. Then the partial differential equation for the transverse cable vibration was obtained based on the assumption of longitudinal cable vibration comparatively small. By using the Galerkin approach, this partial differential equation was converted into ordinary differential equations which describe the selfexcited oscillation of the cable as multi-modes system. The analytical solutions, in particular, limit cycle solutions to the system in selfexcited oscillation were obtained further by using the averaging method for nonlinear vibration. The wind-induced strong cable oscillation and its existence conditions were analytically determined finally. The critical wind velocities for first two modes of the cable system in selfoscillation were analyzed and verified by numerical results. Thus the analytical method for the windinduced selfexcited oscillation of taut cables with multimodes and the critical wind velocity is developed. It is concluded that the critical wind velocity of the cable selfoscillation increases with structural mode damping and is affected by other factors such as vibration modes, transverse wind velocity varied with time and space, drag and lift coefficients.

Published: 20 March 2012
CLC:  O 323  
  TU 311  
Cite this article:

YING Zu-guang, WANG Jian-wen. Self-excited oscillation analysis of a taut cable under wind loading. J4, 2012, 46(2): 269-273.

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