Discontinuous patch tests in Hansbo and Hansbo’s type of methods |
LING Dao sheng1,2, SHI Ji sen1,2, ZHANG Ru ru1,2, WANG Yun gang3 |
1.MOE Key Laboratory of Soft soils and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China;2. Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China;3. Zhejiang University City College, Hangzhou 310015, China |
Abstract The discontinuous patch test designed by Dolbow etc. was conducted with the augmented finite element method in order to study the computational precision and stability of the Hansbo & Hansbo's type of methods. The test results show that the meshes which adopted 3 node triangular mathematical element pass the discontinuous patch test in machine precision, whereas the meshes which adopted 4 node quadrilateral mathematical element generally fail, and the computational precision is highly depended on the geometrical shape of mathematical element and the integration methods of stiffness matrix of the cracked elements. Further theoretical analysis reveals that the geometrical separation of mathematical and physical element introduces the nonlinear natural coordinate transformation from physical element to mathematical element and the Jacobi determinant of physical element. The integrand of element stiffness matrix is more complicated than that of standard finite element. The numerical integration accuracy was reduced, and the failure of the discontinuous patch test was induced. The theoretical and numerical analysis show that adopting triangular or parallelogram mathematical elements within the potential discontinuous deformation region, and subdividing each cracked physical element into fine integrating subdomain are reasonable and effective ways to ensure the Hansbo & Hansbo's type of methods to pass the discontinuous patch test in high precision.
Published: 01 November 2015
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