Objective evaluation method for enhanced effects of FICE images |
CHEN Jing1, XU Min fen1, WANG Li qiang1, YUAN Bo1, DUAN Hui long2, TANG Jia1 |
1.State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentation, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;2. Biomedical Engineering Institute, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China |
Abstract An objective evaluation method based on the statistics of brightness contrast was proposed according to the different enhanced effects of vessel contrast by the ten groups of wavelength of FICE. The blood vessel was marked out using Otsu method to count the brightness contrast of the pixels. Then the brightness contrast of the pixels in the area of blood vessels was accumulated. The greater accumulated value means the higher contrast of blood vessels of images. Results showed that the combination 2, 6, 1 were the three optimal wavelength combinations of FICE on the aspects of enhancing contrast of blood vessels. The method accorded with pathology diagnosis proven by statistical results, which provided an objective reference for clinical doctors to select FICE wavelength combination.
Published: 29 October 2015
根据FICE 10组波长在增强黏膜微细血管对比度方面的不同增强效果,提出基于亮度对比度统计的客观评价方法.采用Otsu法对图像各像素亮度对比度进行统计来准确地标记出图像的血管区域,对血管区域各像素的亮度对比度进行累加,累加值越大,对应图像的血管对比度越高.统计数据表明:增强血管对比度效果最优的3个FICE波长组合依次是波段组合2、波段组合6以及波段组合1.该方法的统计结果符合病理学诊断结果,为临床医生在FICE波长组合选择方面提供了一种客观评价方法.
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