Plant species identification method based on flower feature coding classification |
BAI Fan, ZHENG Hui feng, SHEN Ping ping, WANG Cheng, YU Sang sang |
Institute of Precision Measurement and Control, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China |
Abstract An approximate identification method of plant species based on the encoding of the flowers’feature was proposed. Images of the flowers were segmented using maximum entropy threshold combined with GrabCut algorithm in order to extract and select the color, contour, texture and spatial structure satisfying good human visual features and classification performances. The coding classification system was built to narrow the range of recognition according to the concept of maximum spacing classification, binary node models and classification network structure. The color histogram, contour histogram and spatial gradient co occurrence matrix were compared to the fitting operation to calculate the similarity degree of each class object and the testing target. The approximate identification was completed when the class object with the highest similarity degree was found. The method was verified, analyzed and improved through experiments. Experimental results show that the method has the advantages of high recognition speed, accuracy and good extensibility.
Published: 29 October 2015
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