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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2019, Vol. 53 Issue (6): 1171-1181    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2019.06.017
浙江大学 控制科学与工程学院,浙江 杭州 310058
Fusion decision model for vehicle lane change with gradient boosting decision tree
Bing XU(),Xiao LIU,Zi-yang WANG,Fei-hu LIU,Jun LIANG*()
College of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
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车辆在执行换道行为时,由于受到较多环境因素影响,难以准确进行换道识别和预测. 为解决这一问题,提出一种基于梯度提升决策树(GBDT)进行特征变换的融合换道决策模型,以仿真驾驶员在高速公路上自由换道时的决策行为. 采用主体车辆与目标车道后车的碰撞时间 tlag 及车辆周围交通状态变量进行车辆换道行为的建模分析,在NGSIM数据集上对建立的融合换道决策模型进行参数标定和模型测试. 实验结果表明:融合换道决策模型以95.45%的预测准确率超越支持向量机、随机森林和GBDT等单一的换道决策模型,获得了最突出的表现. 变量分析结果表明:新引入的换道决策变量 tlag 对车辆换道行为具有重要影响. 提出的融合换道决策模型能够进一步减少因换道决策误判而导致的交通事故.

关键词: 梯度提升决策树(GBDT)自由换道行为NGSIM数据集换道决策模型碰撞时间    

When the vehicle performs lane changing behavior, it is challenging to accurately identify and predict the vehicle’s behavior due to the influence of various environmental factors. In order to solve this problem, a fusion lane changing decision model was proposed; the gradient boosting decision tree (GBDT) was applied for feature transformation. This fusion model was applied to simulate the driver’s decision-making behavior while freely changing lanes on the expressway. The collision time tlag of the main vehicle and lag vehicle on the target lane and other vehicle traffic state variables were introduced into the model to analyze the lane changing behavior. The parameter calibration and the test of the established fusion lane changing decision model were carried out on the NGSIM (Next Generation Simulation) dataset. The experimental results show that the proposed fusion lane changing decision model surpasses the single lane changing decision model, like support vector machine, random forest and GBDT, with prediction accuracy of 95.45%, giving the most outstanding performance. The variable analysis results show that the newly introduced lane change decision variable tlag plays a positive role in the vehicle’s lane changing behavior. The proposed fusion lane changing decision model is able to further reduce the traffic accidents caused by misjudgment of lane changing decisions.

Key words: gradient boosting decision tree (GBDT)    free lane changing behavior    NGSIM dataset    lane changing decision model    collision time
收稿日期: 2018-12-27 出版日期: 2019-05-22
CLC:  TP 181  
通讯作者: 梁军     E-mail:;
作者简介: 徐兵(1995—),男,硕士生,从事无人驾驶和机器学习研究. E-mail:
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徐兵,刘潇,汪子扬,刘飞虎,梁军. 采用梯度提升决策树的车辆换道融合决策模型[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2019, 53(6): 1171-1181.

Bing XU,Xiao LIU,Zi-yang WANG,Fei-hu LIU,Jun LIANG. Fusion decision model for vehicle lane change with gradient boosting decision tree. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2019, 53(6): 1171-1181.


图 1  基于梯度提升决策树(GBDT)的融合决策模型结构图
图 2  NGSIM数据集研究区域
图 3  No. 260车辆数据滤波结果
图 4  主体车辆自由换道行为示意图
特征编号 符号 特征含义
1 ${v_{\rm{s}}}$ 主体车辆速度
2 ${a_{\rm{s}}}$ 主体车辆加速度
3 ${d_{{\rm{lead}}}}$ 目标车道前车与主体车辆的距离
4 $\Delta {v_{{\rm{lead}}}}$ 目标车道前车与主体车辆速度差
5 ${d_{{\rm{lag}}}}$ 目标车道后车与主体车辆的距离
6 $\Delta {v_{{\rm{lag}}}}$ 目标车道后车与主体车辆速度差
7 ${d_{{\rm{lc}}}}$ 当前车道前车与主体车辆的距离
8 $\Delta {v_{{\rm{lc}}}}$ 当前车道前车与主体车辆速度差
9 ${d_{{\rm{fc}}}}$ 当前车道后车与主体车辆的距离
10 $\Delta {v_{{\rm{fc}}}}$ 当前车道后车与主体车辆速度差
11 $\Delta {a_{{\rm{lead}}}}$ 目标车道前车与主体车辆加速度差
12 $\Delta {a_{{\rm{lag}}}}$ 目标车道后车与主体车辆加速度差
13 $t_{\rm lc}$ 主体车辆与当前车道前车碰撞时间
14 ${t_{{\rm{lead}}}}$ 主体车辆与目标车道前车碰撞时间
15 ${t_{{\rm{lag}}}}$ 主体车辆与目标车道后车碰撞时间
16 $\Delta {a_{{\rm{lc}}}}$ 当前车道前车与主体车辆加速度差
17 $\Delta {a_{{\rm{fc}}}}$ 当前车道后车与主体车辆加速度差
表 1  自由换道决策行为特征变量
图 5  特征变量在不同评价指标下的重要程度
换道决策模型 参数寻优范围 参数说明
SVM “C”:(0.001,60) C:误差惩罚项参数
“gamma”:(0.000 1,2) Gamma:高斯核函数的参数
RF “n_estimators”:(100,1 000) n_estimators:树的数量
“max_depth”:(3,10) max_depth:树的最大深度
“max_features”:(0.1,0.999) max_features:寻找最佳分裂点时属性数量占比
“min_samples_split”:(2,10) min_samples_split:分裂节点所需最少样本数
GBDT “learning_rate”:(0.001,0.2) learning_rate:算法学习率
“n_estimators”:(100,2 000) n_estimators:树的数量
“subsample”:(0.1,1) subsample:训练样本下采样比例
“max_depth”:(5,10) max_depth:树的最大深度
“min_samples_leaf”:(1,12) min_samples_leaf:分裂节点所需最少样本数
表 2  不同换道决策模型的参数寻优范围
图 6  不同换道决策模型的参数优化过程
决策模型 ${R_{{\rm{acc}}}}$ ${R_{{\rm{TP}}}}$ ${R_{{\rm{TN}}}}$
SVM 81.82 72.79 85.30
RF 92.99 93.20 92.91
GBDT 93.56 91.84 94.23
融合决策模型 95.45 95.24 95.54
表 3  不同决策模型在测试集上的表现
特征变量组 ${R_{{\rm{acc}}}}$ ${R_{{\rm{TP}}}}$ ${R_{{\rm{TN}}}}$
[1,3,4,5,6,11,12] 85.42 89.12 83.99
[1,3,4,5,6,11,12,14] 88.64 89.12 88.45
[1,2,···,17] 95.45 95.24 95.54
表 4  不同特征变量组对比实验
图 7  基于GBDT的融合决策模型特征选择过程
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