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J4  2010, Vol. 44 Issue (2): 300-304    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2010.02.016
徐科君, 许文曜, 沈继忠, 徐新民
(浙江大学 电子电路与信息系统研究所,浙江 杭州 310027)
Task scheduling model and algorithm based on dual-Vdd dynamic reconfigurable FPGA
XU Ke-jun, XU Wen-yao, SHEN Ji-zhong, XU Xin-min
(Institute of Electronic Circuit and Information System,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027,China)
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通过对单电压动态可重构可编程逻辑门阵列(FPGA)实时任务模型的学习研究,建立基于双电压动态可重构FPGA的非可抢占任务模型.该模型很好地描述了双电压动态可重构FPGA任务的特征,在单电压任务模型的基础上增加了双电压任务模型特有的属性.并基于降序首次自适应算法提出一种新的硬件任务调度算法,该算法在保证任务集限制时间内完成所有任务的同时,利用动态电压调节的方法大幅度减少了任务集完成所需要的能量.在Sun Saloris 工作站下对任务调度模型及其算法进行仿真和评估,实验数据表明,这种基于双电压的任务模型的调度算法,能够有效降低FPGA任务执行的能耗,对于大规模的任务,能耗最高可节省24.1%.


A non-preemptive task model based on dual-supply voltage (Vdd) dynamic reconfigurable field programmable gate array (FPGA) was established by analyzing single voltage reconfigurable FPGA. The model described how the tasks excused in dual-Vdd dynamic reconfigurable FPGA and added special attributes of dual-Vdd task model based on single voltage task model. A novel scheduling strategy was proposed based on the first-fit-decreasing algorithm. The strategy can guarantee the execution deadline of the task set and greatly reduce the execution energy using dynamic adjustment of dual-Vdd. The experiment simulated on Sun Saloris shows that the strategy can achieve the great energy saving, which is up to 24.1% of large task set.

出版日期: 2010-03-09
:  TN 432  


通讯作者: 沈继忠,男,教授,博导.     E-mail:
作者简介: 徐科君(1983—),男,浙江杭州人,博士生,从事FPGA结构体系、任务调度、低功耗等研究.
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徐科君, 许文曜, 沈继忠, 等. 双电压动态可重构FPGA任务模型及调度算法[J]. J4, 2010, 44(2): 300-304.

XU Ke-Jun, HU Wen-Yao, CHEN Ji-Zhong, et al. Task scheduling model and algorithm based on dual-Vdd dynamic reconfigurable FPGA. J4, 2010, 44(2): 300-304.


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