能源工程、机械工程 |
液态金属磁流体发电机空载电压 |
易仁义(),王勇*(),谢玉东,乔凯,张宇磊 |
山东大学 机械工程学院,山东 济南 250061 |
No-load voltage of liquid metal magnetohydrodynamic power generator |
Ren-yi YI(),Yong WANG*(),Yu-dong XIE,Kai QIAO,Yu-lei ZHANG |
School of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China |
易仁义,王勇,谢玉东,乔凯,张宇磊. 液态金属磁流体发电机空载电压[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2020, 54(10): 1964-1970.
Ren-yi YI,Yong WANG,Yu-dong XIE,Kai QIAO,Yu-lei ZHANG. No-load voltage of liquid metal magnetohydrodynamic power generator. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2020, 54(10): 1964-1970.
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